Life after stroke
Travel This category is for discussions about travel and holidays Driving If you are relearning to drive after a stroke or if you want to hear about other people’s experiences trying to adapt their cars so that they can get back on the road, then you’ve come to the right place. Returning to work and benefits Returning to work after stroke can be a journey in itself, use this space to talk about your experiences of going back to work. Hobbies and leisure Use this space to talk about your hobbies, any leisure activities you may particularly enjoy and other exciting life events such as holidays, family get togethers etc. Eating after stroke Our relationship with food can change after a stroke, use this space to talk about your experiences with food, diet and swallowing difficulties. Coronavirus Here you can talk about everything coronavirus (Covid-19) related. Relationships A stroke can put a strain on relationships, whether that be loved ones, friends or family, but it’s important to talk it out.