Here is a little video clip I did this morning, showing how we ( nearly all of us ) have accumulated a very unwanted charge of Alternating Current (AC) running through our bodies. ( Our electrical appliances may like AC current, but nasty things happen to us when we accrue an AC charge, since we run on DC ). Perhaps the more significant part of the demo is where I show that we can connect with negatively charged electrons from the surface of our mother Earth ( which, like us, also runs on DC electricity.) Lastly, I also demonstrate that we are highly conductive beings by grounding my wife without her touching the mat.
I test out my HOOGA Grounding mat using a True RMS digital multimeter by ASTROAI M4KOR. The black terminal from the COM port is plugged into the Ground port of a 3 pin socket. I measure AC then DC voltage (potential difference) running through my body when grounded (foot on mat) and ungrounded (foot off mat). Here are the readings:
AC Ungrounded = + 4.20 V
AC Grounded = 0.0 V
DC Ungrounded = - 0.015 V
DC Grounded = - 0.289 V
AC Ungrounded = + 4 .29 V My Wife
AC Grounded = + 0.045 V My Wife through me !*
*Through me = I have a foot on the mat, and I ground my beautiful wife (reducing the AC voltage in her body a hundred fold) just by holding her hand ! She never touches the mat.