Earthing (or Grounding) Long Version

Earthing (Grounding) is one of the most critical aspects of electrical safety and system stability. It provides a safe path for electrical current to return to the earth in the event of a fault, preventing electric shock, equipment damage, and fire hazards. Fortunately, every electrical appliance in our house is grounded, but there is one major appliance, entirely electrical in nature at a fundamental level, which is not; our body. For example, our brain, indeed, our entire nervous system sends signals through neurons using tiny electrical currents. Our heart has its own built-in electrical impulse system that controls its rhythm. Calcium ions allow our muscles to move, but when our electrolytes become imbalanced, these signals are disrupted, leading to muscle cramps, irregular heartbeats, or nerve issues. Lie detectors work by detecting changes in our galvanic skin response. Our bodies can even generate tiny amounts of electricity; bioelectric batteries using sweat and movement can power small devices. In short, every function we perform depends on carefully controlled electrical activity.

However, over time, our bodies can accumulate a positive electric charge. This can be through static electricity, electronic devices, and through our atmosphere, especially when the air is dry. Also, an unwanted AC voltage is induced on the body from surrounding electrical systems. Disrupting the body’s electrical system by carrying around a small, positive electric charge can be just as dire for us, as for our beloved electrical appliances. We start to malfunction, starting with loss of sleep, inflammation, chronic pain and eventually, autoimmune disease. The good news is that these positive charges can be neutralized by simply walking barefoot on the Earth, taking a shower, touching pipes or concrete, or by grounding ourselves electrically. This can be achieved with a grounding mat, a wristband, or grounding sheets all connected through a wire to the grounding pin in your socket, although it is important to test the grounded outlet in the home. When we Earth, we create an electrical connection between our bodies and the Earth’s surface. An excess charge flows between our bodies and the ground, bringing us to the same electrical potential as the Earth. This stabilization is known as charge equalization: If we are positively (+) charged, electrons (-) from the Earth flow into us, and vice versa.

Grounding leads to a plethora of health benefits; resetting circadian rhythms by regulating cortisol levels allowing us to sleep better; thinning blood by increasing the electrical zeta potential between particles in suspension; increasing circulation; reducing inflammation and oxidative stress by supplying free electrons to the site of injury. It also protects us from Electromagnetic Field disturbances. Autoimmune diseases are prevented by providing the immune system with a relative reference point (our Earth, or Gaia) against which our electric potential is zero.

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On a personal note, I would like to say that I stumbled on the most profound healing journey I could ever imagine: Earthing. It all started a few days after my massage practitioner gave me the idea. It helped that both my Chinese Doctor, and Radiologist friend immediately and wholeheartedly endorsed the concept. They were on board with free-electrons extinguishing inflammation, stopping the spread of wildfire. Neutrophils from our white blood cells release reactive oxygen species (ROS) which engulf and destroy pathogens and debris. If grounded, neutrophils undergo apoptosis, (controlled cell death) which signals them to be removed from the body. Otherwise, the wildfire spreads, causing chronic inflammation, unless we have an unlimited supply of electrons under our feet. It makes sense that a connection to our Gaia resets our body in a fundamental way. I would encourage everyone to seriously investigate this most natural way of healing; clear it with your carer, doctor, prescriptions, or any medications if you feel you must. The great disconnect from the Sun and Earth is man’s biggest accidental blunder to date. I have experienced a remarkable detox period, in which my body has experienced enhanced waterworks and increased bowel movement. This is because I try to Earth for 18+ hours a day, though when I started, I could endure 1- or 2-hours max. If the reader would like to research a little more there are 3 delightful documentaries available on YouTube; Earthing, Grounding and Heel for Free. I also recommend the book “Earthing” by Ober, Sinatra, Zucker, and a visit to “The Earthing Institute.” to read countless testimonials. The main people who started this movement are Electrician Clint Ober, Cardiologist Steven Sinatra, Author Martin Zucker, Atomic Physicist Gaetan Chevalier, and James Oschman PhD.


I am constantly amazed but how much research you have done through your stroke journey & your willingness to share it all so others can benefit.

After all your hard work if anyone deserves a full recovery you do.

Thank you again for sharing.



Thank you Ann !

Indeed, you have “sussed” me out, I think is the right expression! I don’t know if my article on Grounding will arouse curiosity, but I’m certainly willing to share. It’s from my book which has reached 95,000 words and is full of the most amazing discoveries I have made throughout my healing journey !

ciao, thx again, Roland


@pando I’ve had a brief read and will certainly have a proper read. During walks with my dog when our outings were limited by the government each day I spent a short time making contact with both hands on a tree. It gave me comfort as I could imagine being part of it and the world of nature, the roots spreading . Always good to be reminded how transient humans are compared with trees.
Does this make me an archetypal tree hugger??
I wonder why grounding is taking so long to filter through to mainstream medicine?
Is research limited I wonder. Because of all the care you take in being the best you can it must be difficult what is helping the most. In one sense if you are happy with your regime, does it matter


SSsshhh… Tell me Wendy: You think big-pharma finds this a good business proposition?



I didn’t want to get into that. Yes that’s the trouble with lots of supplements I’d love to try including CBD but the lovely midwife who also runs our Health food shop says no research and of course, not likely to be in the forseeable so she can’t in all conscience recommend


Wendy, @Bagrat

Not mainstream? Well, electrical grounding (or conversely, conductive flooring) is a crucial and complex subject in a hospital. Here are examples of both types


How about this house?
Copper - the Great Connector
This Grounded Home is structured with an abundance of copper elements that are connected directly to the ground. When in contact, copper conducts vast amounts of electrons quickly and directly into your body. Strategically set up throughout the house, these copper bases act as natural charging stations. Recharge your energy, just lying down on your sofa, watching the fire or making breakfast in the kitchen.

Can I ask how you ground for so many hours each day?!

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H Matt

I use a combination of wristbands (mostly - Tvouanz Grounding Wristband with 15ft UK Cord, Earthing Wrist Strap) and a grounding mat (from Hooga). I also have a grounding rod on my lawn (sometimes I sit outside on the patio and don’t want to take shoes & socks off) but you can get Nefes Earthing shoes or vivobarefoot shoes that are conductive.


I have taken CBD drops (sometimes 1 drop, sometimes more) under the tongue every night for about 5 years. I tend not to talk about it, I just do it. I do my own research.



Do you take clopidogrel? Apparently CBD interacts. That’s put me off a bit sadly though I still take ‘CBD’ the odd time


Yes I’m on apixaban ditto

No I don’t take clopidogrel nor apixaban, because the zeta potential / rouleaux clumping of blood is addressed by grounding !

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Hi Roland - I am particularly interested in the “enhanced waterworks” bit. Are able to expand on that a little bit? What was the problem with the waterworks and how has the waterworks been enhanced?

Thanks in anticipation.


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Hi Manji ;

my waterworks and bowel movement were average to good before ; and now they are phenomenally good ; it’s all down to less inflammation. My chest and tummy feel super free and emptied. You might know I’m into TCM in a big way. So here goes ;

Earthing energizes major acupuncture channels and by placing the balls of my feet on the mat, I connect K1 (a major entryway for the absorption of Earth Qi via kidney channel 1) with the urinary bladder (UB) meridian. The UB channel reaches the liver, diaphragm, heart, lungs, brain, and central meridian junction. When thoroughly grounded my waterworks eliminates more efficiently. My bladder has also strengthened.

ciao, Roland


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Hi Roland - I get the feeling you’re not your “average” stroke survivor in more ways than one :wink:

Given that Stroke does not respect anyone and can affect your elite athletes e.g. Michael Johnson to your couch potato, it can’t be an easy task trying to provide a generic yet targeted support service.

As an aside, I have been quite surprised with recent examples of professional footballers who I think of as super fit athletes, collapsing on pitches during games. The human body is quite something :smile:

Thanks for the waterworks explanation.



Linking related post created by Roland

Grounding/Earthing with two videos

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It’s fine to use CBD under the tongue, Matt, as it bypasses the liver and is absorbed straight into the bloodstream. Clopidogrel and CBD, when ingested, use the same enzymes to break them down in the liver. Theoretically, this could make Clopidogrel less effective. I looked on Drug Interaction Checker and it shows no interactions between Clopidogrel and cannabidiol.
A pharmacist will advise you if you’re not sure. The GP’s at my surgery and my stroke doc didn’t have a clue🙄. CBD is neuroprotective and I use it mainly for that reason😁


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