Lazy rather than really trying

It dawned on me this morning in a moment in which I probably should have been asleep I’ve been lazy. My wife offering to do things and me always accepting and I’m never going to get back to me just accepting it. Only 7 weeks post stroke but anyone else feel this way??


To add to this I’ve not physio or anyone helping me so no one to drive to do anything, just discharged with a little weakness on the right, an issue with speech and left to get on with it. I feel so bad I’ve done this to myself and my wife!

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@SimonInEdinburgh thanks but been really wanting to get back to work asap and realised in this moment that ain’t happening soon if I keep going the way I am


@garethc970 stroke recovery does involve a lot of effort and determination but also a lot of resting too. Finding the balance can sometimes be difficult. You’ve been through a major event & lack of motivation, especially initially, isca common symptom because of fatigue though I think.

I doubt you are being lazy but perhaps when your wife offers if you’re up to it help her out.

You’ll know when you’re ready to give things a try. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


@Mrs5K thanks, I feel really bad after the amount of work I have seen others putting in but I need to remember only 19th December since my stroke hit


And now’s the time to start the work to getting back to work. The way I see it, your brain is rested enough and is letting you know that it’s ready for the next stage of your recovery. You’re going to have to stop your wife from doing so much for you and start trying to do more yourself. Only ask for help when you’ve tried and failed to do it yourself :wink:
You won’t break anything, you don’t even really need physio or OT to make a start on that. I had both and we were still in lockdowns, and to be honest, they were neither use nor ornament for me…but that’s just me.

If your stroke side is working, arm, hand, leg, after fashion then its time to build on those abilities. And you do this by using them! Climb the stairs, if that’s too much just up and down the bottom step. Wash the dishes, put on the laundry, fold some towels, try running the hoover over the carpet, wash some windows, and one @SimonInEdinburgh used to do, sort out the crockery cupboards.

And most important of all, go for walks…weather permitting! If it is outdoors, remember to factor in however far you go, you’ve still got to get back home. So always be sure to back before tire.

How far you go or get with all these sort of activities depends your levels of fatigue. The brain does tire out easily during recovery because it’s trying to maintain its current level of function as well as heal, and relearn all at the same time. Rest when you need to, sometimes you may find you only need to sit for say 15mins other times it might be an hour. You may also find yourself flitting from one task to another. I always saw that as my brain could only take in so much at a time. So I’d start 2/3 tasks at a time and flit between them until they were all completed. I’d wash one pane of glass, start hoovering and a 15min break do a bit penmanship, clean another pane, finish hoovering, wash a few dishes, back to penmanship, clean another windows pane.

If it interests you, try out a gym, use light weights, treadmill, cycling, rowing, etc. It all depends on your levels of fatigue. If you’re over 50 you could try AgeUK to see what fitness programs they are running in your area. The world is your oyster, its down to you to take it back.


Most us weren’t able to do too much that soon after our stroke. You’re just a few short weeks in. You’ll get there when you’re ready.


Definitely do not be hard on yourself or take it as laziness! Even if it is “laziness” the stroke may have caused that, and that’s not your fault! Some days, hours, minutes, even seconds, might be easier than others! I don’t even know if I had a full stroke but since mine I have not been the same person! I have 0 motivation, extreme apathy and anger at times, I’ve even become aggressive at times unfortunately, I even stopped liking some of my favorite foods. It’s insane what a stroke can do to the brain even a mini stroke! It will take time and sometimes some people never go back to the way they were, they become a new version of themselves! It’s hard to cope with an accept, that is for sure!!! It’s very frustrating, but it’s not in your control, all you can do is push your self as much as you can without overdoing it and listen to your body when you need a break! Most strokes happen due to stress of some sort, some stress is obviously okay but know when to stop and take a break! And learn the new you, it may be something you just have to adjust to, and find ways around, and that’s okay! You’re doing your best, the fact that you’re asking shows you’re trying!


Even light swimming!!


@Brit560 sadly never could swim

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Yes Gareth,
I feel so guilty that I can barely do any housework. I feel so guilty at increasing my wife’s workload. I feel like a piece of furniture. Of course, it won’t be like that forever, and I always think of things I can do to even up the balance of work. Up until my stroke we split it 50 / 50 now it’s 90 / 10. I can still do a few things, like I’m still a wiz at navigating, a wiz at setting up her new PC this weekend, and love and moral support. But I wish I could do more about the house. When the swing tips over in the garden with the wind, normally it would be me putting it right. Now she has to do a man’s job. One of the few things I can still do is hoover the ground floor… I use the hoover as a walking stick. Remember, it’s not a permanent arrangement, I keep reminding myself…

good luck, ciao, Roland


Oh don’t you start on what’s a man’s job or we might have to have a falling out :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:


I totally get that @pando i still hate that i have to rely on my hubby but i remind myself it’s a situation not of my making. My hubby often reminds me that he’d rather have me here in whatever state than not at all.

The balance does shift over time and even 10% of help is i am sure greatly appreciated.

As for the mans job…i used to do loads of them :rofl::rofl:


@SimonInEdinburgh Wednesday ok?

You pick as my daughter off school so easy

Cool @SimonInEdinburgh

You are not being lazy, being 7 weeks post stroke.
a stroke is not like a broken bone which is put in plaster for 6/7 weeks and then taken off.
You need to get used to being post stroke and need to figure out what you can and can’t do. Each stroke in any given person is totally different to every other stroke person.
However, most stroke people suffer from fatigue to greater of lesser extent.
You are not the Same person as you were before your will be affected to some extent.
Try doing something around the house and see how your body responds.
I’m sorry if I sound harsh or rude but I don’t mean to come across as being so.
It’s your body and you know your own body
Let your body tell you how it is feeling on an hour by hour, day by day basis.


That’s the only thing, I did know my body but idea now


Yeah still ok for then

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Oh I agree whole heartedly, it’s 50/50 with us too. Although my gift wrapping skills have deteriorated since the stroke, so I’m more on a par with you and my hubby now :confounded: :rofl:

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