Care washed rinsed and leathered off

Washed the car today tired

Full soap rinse and whammy off tired but satisfied
My wife helped with the rinse off.

Tar spots and stone chips next


Yes it is but proved I can do it withvery little assistance,


Yes but worn out now more tomorrow


Yes good call my misses said it is good therapy and keeps my weight down, certainly doing better than 6 months ago


Well done @mrfrederickson car too much for me so leave to my hubby :grin:


Good plan Mrs5k, my wife still helping and keeping an eye on me but 6 months ago all I could manage was a poor brush around the bottom half this time full soap rinse and whammy leathering off.


You’ve come a long way in that time by the sounds of it. Keep going you are definitely progressing.


Will do been waiting 2.5 years to do something I was doin weekly before.


Thanks yes I keep attempting to do what I did before as it makes my head feel right and adds to my life as I can live it, tar spots and touch up paint Tom


@mrfrederickson I did exactly the same as you, only with my body…in the shower.
Good for you laddie. It sounds like a terrific exercise. Regards, Derek


Inspiring! I won’t be washing any cars, but I am trying to be consistent with a bit of housework. I forget even though I see all that needs done. It just seems too much most of the time. Not good at breaking it down into something more doable. Perhaps I should go for the old way…one day laundry, one day bathrooms, one day kitchen, one day baking, one day making meals to reheat the rest of the week? Or maybe just stay out of everyone’s way? LOL. That sounds easier! My numerous appointments wear me out and mess up the schedules I do make. I feel like I am making excuses, but it really is hard for me to work my head around all that needs done.


@DeAnn i found it really difficult to do all those things after a stroke you’ve got multiple things going on so must be even harder.

I write a list of what i need to do & break everything into smaller chunks. One day jitchen, one day lounge etc etc. But if I don’t feel up yo it or just plain need to rest then i don’t do it & try not to fret about it. I just pick it up ndxt time I am able.

Easier said than done right.

You are looking after little people too - thats a big deal. The rest is less important. Took me ages to accept that.

You’re doing great DeAnn. Don’t you forget it xxx

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I do forget! Feel so guilty when I am not helping out enough. I just finished the majority of weekend dishes. There was a sleepover so more than usual. Didn’t finish, but just a few more tools to wash…The boys made smoothies so a blender full of sticky strawberry banana mango juices. Who knew boys had sleepovers? I thought they camped out and girls had slumber parties. Jokes on me. House smells like boys! You are such a good friend. Thank you for the encouragement. It is 4 am and I have promised myself for 2 pm (9am) Zoom. I better nod off for a bit! Hope it is a happy day for you!

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Break it down into smaller jobs, that’s what I did washed panel by panel until it was done.

You will get there.

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Yes derek it was a good workout helps burn some calories and aid my pre diabetic condition.

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cleaning kitchen today and trying to keep the flys at bay, its hard work spray with lemon, they dont like it :cockroach: :fly: :mosquito:


Insects like wasps are a bit of a problem with one arm a real risk of being stung. Good luck with the lemon spray.


just got back into the foram no wasps just flys it woudnt work, got bone scan today just had a 1 mile 28 walk, but leg aches, get tired i dont know why. had to get out as pete had sibalis on its too loud. son stayed fowo nights last week


@tricia3 Forum was down for a while but up and working again now.
Hope the bone scan went ok. You’re doing well with your walking. It’s good for helping your bone strength.
Hope you had a good time with your son.

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Sorry to hear it was down no bone scan fo me not sure how that came about.

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