Care washed rinsed and leathered off

Insects like wasps are a bit of a problem with one arm a real risk of being stung. Good luck with the lemon spray.


just got back into the foram no wasps just flys it woudnt work, got bone scan today just had a 1 mile 28 walk, but leg aches, get tired i dont know why. had to get out as pete had sibalis on its too loud. son stayed fowo nights last week


@tricia3 Forum was down for a while but up and working again now.
Hope the bone scan went ok. You’re doing well with your walking. It’s good for helping your bone strength.
Hope you had a good time with your son.

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Sorry to hear it was down no bone scan fo me not sure how that came about.

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@mrfrederickson sorry for the confusion. I was replying to @tricia3

that ws last week, he went home thursday, it was lovely to see them

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