Brain Teasers / Riddles etc


A woman is looking at a photograph and a person walks up to her and asks, “Whose photo is that?” The woman replies:

“Brothers and sisters I have none, but that woman’s mother is my mother’s daughter.”

Whose photograph is the woman looking at?

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A cousin?
And just a few more letters to allow this post to be accepted :roll_eyes:

Not quite Lorraine:

Shall we makes it multiple choice?

A. My mother

B. My daughter

C. Me

D. My granddaughter

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:laughing: It can only be one of them can’t it

No, I know it now … its the photographers photo!
That’s my final answer :rofl:

Photo of herself -? c) Me.

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My brain hurts!!! I give up. :grin:

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For all those who tried this, thank you :smiley:

As I worked on it, I came to the conclusion the answer could ONLY be (B) My Daughter i.e. the woman is looking at a photograph of her daughter.

I note a couple of you came up with the answer of (C) Me i.e. the woman is looking at a photo of herself.

I don’t believe she can be looking at a photo of herself, but I do have a couple of friends who also came up with (C).

One of my friends even says that there a TWO [correct] answers and that one is the AMERICAN version and the other is the ENGLISH version. His arguement is that it’s a quirke of the language and Amercian English speakers see it one way and the English English speakers see it another.

So for now I will declare the answer as (B) My daughter and if anyone can convince me why that is wrong, or why their (let’s say (C)) is right, I am here to listen :smiley:


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Having relooked at it I now agree with you :grin:


I agree, too. Thanks for taking my headache away. :grin:

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My pleasure - nice to have a headache once in a while :slight_smile: