Made my will some time ago and would like to take people of that now don’t deserve what I gifted so can I just black out there names
I think the safest way to make sure your wishes are observed is to make a new will.
I don’t think it’s as simple as just blacking out names, otherwise anyone could do that at any time right up to the time it’s read. And if you have a solicitor or anyone else keeping an original or copy (however it works) then who’s to say anyone else tampered with it. So you would certainly need the original witnesses to counter signs any amendments. Our solicitor holds our original I think but if your is the original I’d say scrap it and start again.
@Mickyboy Don’t alter your existing will. It’s far better to make a new will and destroy the old one. And of course you need to get the new will witnessed when you sign it.
@Mickyboy no you can’t amend your will that way. You need to do a codicil or a new will that is properly witnessed. As @SimonInEdinburgh says the internet is full of help to do this but if youre not confident then my advice is to get a solicitor involved. Some charities will do wills for free. They would like a small legacy if you do it that way but it is not necessary.