What is the weirdest thing that has happened post stroke?

This definitely 100% never happened before.

When I am going to sleep, so really tired, eyes closed, I have a brief flashed image of a scene appear. May be less than 1/2 second in duration.
Different scenes each time and too quick to really recall any detail.

Sometimes the image collapses in on itself, other times just disappears. This has been going on for months now. What is that all about.

Over to you …


@Nigelglos i sometimes see images when I shut my eyes to sleep too. The other night was someones face, other times it shapes swirling. Like you say doesn’t last long but weird all the same. I dream loads too - very vivid busy dreams.

I also get flashes of white lights.

I have put it down to brain activity. Nothing to do with my eyes but no idea really.


I was a meat eater with Beef being my favourite Since stroke cannot stomach beef makes me physically ill.
Never really ate fish , now eats a lots more .


@Al59 some of my tastes changed too. Things I used to enjoy I no longer do & other things I like more like pickle. I love it now.


Sprouts, how weird is that? Hated them all my life, very faddy eater as a child, now I love sprouts :astonished: Go figure :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m dreaming a lot too, very vivid though no scary, disappointed at times when I wake up and find it’s not real :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


When I do my shoulder flexibility exercises (broomstick over the head) there is a certain point in the rotation where the top of my left lip curls and I look just like I’m doing an Elvis impression.

Makes my wife crack-up if she happens to be passing through :laughing:


The Elvis impression is actually common in all when doing any weight lifting that uses upper body strength…young and old alike! You see an awful lot of it in the gym; it’s quit funny watching the young and very self aware ones trying to control because it’s virtually impossible to do :laughing:


The vivid dreams for certain, although, I also like mine. Many of the people I talk with in them are long deceased, others old friends from school or the neighborhood I haven’t seen for ages. Some of them are very entertaining, like being taught to cook from the attic, but hammering different sized nail holes over the kitchen stove below to pour eggs and pancake batter through to a pan on the stove. New cooking method. Perhaps it was saying something about my high school education?

I see stuff that isn’t there but just images. I know it is just my head playing its tricks because I am over tired.

The oddest thing is the music in my head. Whenever I am trying to concentrate on something, a song will pop in my head, mostly very old songs I never liked. Some of them are in gibberish or another language I do not understand but I will repeat them in my head over and over again, even on different days, as if I actually know them. For the ones I recognize, I have finally made it to the late 70’s or early 80’s. I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad. Strange how it has been in chronological order so far.


The dreams seems to be a common theme. I have had a few that I would happily watch again. Genuinely enjoyable.

I didn’t dream initially, or if I did I couldn’t remember them. I think my brain was so tired it couldn’t be bothered to put on that nights film.

One of the beauties of this forum is that it’s possible to hear from people who share a similar journey. The medical professionals are all fit and healthy. If I am asked to describe my pain, it’s very difficult to do (feeling or intensity) and I never know if the other person can sense the pain I’m talking about. Unless they have experienced exactly the same, how would they know.

This forum is excellent


hi @EmeraldEyes ,
many thanks for the link, I’ve shown the article to my wife to prove that I’m not some sort of weirdo :melting_face:

So the fact that I wasn’t aware of this proves that my answer to the question from @Nigelglos What is the weirdest thing that has happened post stroke? should perhaps be formal exercising :muscle: for the first time in quite a few years


I love your sense of humor! Yes, a good idea, but then, they likely see things worse than a little hair designed to keep dust, dirt and pollen out of your nasal passages.

I have not had that test. I did have the barium swallow test done in a similar manner. My dysphasia is not bad enough to require speech therapy any longer–just careful swallowing following the guidelines. Still get choked a bit, but not too scary these days. My speech is affected by assumed vocal cord damage from long term ventilator. No one has ever mentioned looking at them. It is hoarse and weak still at nearly 2 years, but I have been singing a little bit lately, and seems to help some. I hope the cyst is not a problem and resolves itself.


The first few days home out of the hospital i went out to get the mail from our box on the curb and didnt notice i had neglected to put on my left shoe. Left was my affected side. Did that like 3 days in a row. Im fine now but that was a weird thing not to notice.


Another weird thing post stroke is that my vocal range went higher by about a full step when i sing.


Mine goes faint, I’m continuously having to give my brain a wakeup call to speak up :roll_eyes: