Aspart of my rehabilitation and move s to walk properly my physio has got me to take weight on my left side and sicky chest out,stand tall with bottom in. This includes using a frama bit like a Zimmer but I can clasp it with both hands. I am now shifting weight from left to right as I wal and it begins to feel more normal, so much so that I walked into Morrison s café for lunch and yesterday did 4 miles on my exercise bike all this after 1 year and 8 months, plenty more time to improve,but my most notable step back to normal walking since having the stroke, a severe ischemic stroke injury rendering me a hemiplegic with visual field impairment
Thanks it was a small indicator of success in walking more fluidlywas dead chuffed
Well done you should be proud off yourself keep it going hope lunch was good
Opted for scampi and chips with a fanta, good price and no cutting so one armed man copes better
Way to go @mrfrederickson. Bet those scampi tasted good. I used a frame similar to how you described, progressed slowly to sticks, and now just use a walking pole on rough ground. Keep going, my walking isn’t perfect but I can do the things I want to which is what matters
That’s brilliant. I hope it is also building your confidence, I find that less confident weeks for me are harder but it seems to revive after a bumpy patch.
@mrfrederickson that’s fantastic. I bet you are very chuffed.
Lunch in Morrisons sounds good too.
Keep going you’ll soon be walking loads more.
Absolutely getting to a place where one feels operational and self sufficient, my real test. Is managing on my ow for three day with only big kids for support and to watch overu stair climbing
Mr F. Fantastic! You,clearly, have he will power and determination survivors need. Just keep an eye on your technique. Earlier this year I noticed my good foot was over compensating for my stroke side and I was getting pain on my stroke side from my hip to my calf. I have since adjusted this. Brilliant that you use your exercise bike and walked into the cafe. Try to extend your walking a little more each day. It helps to walk somewhere where there are seats nearby so you can rest if necessary before you walk on. Well done!