Pakistan’s pathans from what was the Frontier Province speak Farsi as a second language. They often work as drivers in the large cities. When I lived in Lahore (1987-1994), my neighbors had a Pathan driver, I developed a friendship with him, through a mutual love of Charas, and he was a local retailer, for his family which manufactured and smuggled it into Pak cities, esp Lahore in the University student crowd. (I tutored local students, as my English was good) Charas excellent quality. Rizla there have no glued edge, have to innovate and do as the locals. Hookah or fill a cig which you hollow out. I should move there, with some seeds from Amsterdam and California, and get rich with local grown ganja. Apologies, off topic. I wonder if its been tried as a coping method with stroke side effects. I know folks with MS find it helpful. Maybe sometime in the future. Pain management techniques
Thank you for answering.
Yes, your English is excellent for someone moving to the UK as an adult. I would never know you weren’t a native speaker.
Take good care, friend.
I moved to Manchester aged 9, attended baby school till 11, then secondary and then college (6th form), then Uni, got my Law Degree and worked in Law for many years. My English got better as life went on. Reading The Guardian daily helped. The girl next door in Manchester taught me much through those years, and into our late teens.
How are you feeling Azhar-Ali? Just checking on you.
Take good care.
That’s better than terrible, right?
Take care.
It is better than terrible.
I am sick of life at survival level on universal credit.
I live in hope of an escape from it all.
Wishes remain just that. Wishes.
Maybe a generous soul somewhere has a home they could offer an old git, in return for companionship, and sharing life’s woes and worries
How are you today?
Are you getting fresh air now since it’s summer?
Every day, I nip into the garden area, and appreciate the right of the pigeons to be fed and to crap as they please.
My bits of left over toast are appreciated I believe. They do not appreciate the added marmalade bits I think.
Been told off for feeding vermin and pests. Been threatened with fines for feeding the birds.
F’ 'em all.
I understand how you feel.
I have extended family members who are treating my immediate family terribly because we asked them not to put pictures of my deceased mother on Facebook. They have become vicious over it. We had to cut all ties with them. You move on…that’s all you can do.
Let your anger out and move on.
“Move on”, is an expression, which means very little I think. Some things take a lifetime to leave behind. The secret must be to move in small stages. One step at a time, and do not look back. Look ahead and stay focused on where you want to get to. Never turn around and start heading back
If you can, get your hands on some bird feed, it will be better for them. Although, birds love bread, it’s like McDonalds. I don’t think anyone has a case for feeding birds good food. I understand this pleasure though, I love seeing the birds come and feeding from what I scrape off my chopping board onto the back lawn. They probably don’t like the marmalade in the same way that I’ve seen birds in my garden manage remnants of crooked rice. It gets sticky on their beaks and is a bother to clean off.
Good words
I used to buy Ebay and Tescos birdfeed where I lived prior to Stroke, and it was a daily pleasure in the back garden, when hundreds descended for a little snack, that they used to wait for on the roofs of nearby dwellings. Landlord along with neighbours told me off for all the poo (birdsh*t) on the rooftiles
Never bothered me, rain did it’s job and washed it all away. If I ever get a place of my own, I am filling the garden with birdfeeders
Thanks for your post and suggestion.
I prefer to watch from a distance and to keep my distance. Ever since I got poohed on by birds walking down my local High Street, I avoid being under where birds might be. Air and above head height is their realm for me. Ground level is mine. I was picking and combing and shampooing birdsh*t out of my hair and baldness for weeks after. Dare not risk it again. Always find me with my baseball cap, when I am outdoors. Protection from nature and bullets in West London
By Admin ?
Are they bird hating Nazis ?
“Move on” doesn’t necessarily mean “not taking the past with you.”
You’re right: many people never move on really from the past. You can, but you have to work on it, and so most people don’t find it worthwhile in the end.
I wish you the best and much happiness, even though I’m just an online stranger. I am being sincere.
Stay in touch.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. Happiness is not thrown at anyone. I feel it has to happen to you by luck, chance and the kindness of others.
I am watching youtube videos of an Australian bloke, being left on a deserted island and facing a survival challenge. Living on coconuts and any sealife he can catch. Takes his own fire making tools and a sharp metal thing. Not my sort of thing. Amazing what people do for money.