Stick free

Just had my session with the physio and after lots of homework have made a number of controlled walks without my single stick.
A milestone in my recovery and a step closer to where I want to be after nearly 3 years.


That’s brilliant :clap: well done you :clap: Really pleased to hear that all of your hard work has been successful.

Keep on keeping on :+1:.

Regards Sue


That’s great news, thanks for posting it
I wish to emulate your achievement when the time comes.


Mark, good for you. I remember my first time without the cane. Scary, but gradually I was able to walk further and further. I still use mine in crowded areas. I want people to know not to bump me. It doesn’t take much to knock me over, :smile:
You are doing so well…keep it up Lad.


Well done

Having a free (working) hand :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: is a boon to moving around functionally :slight_smile:

What sort of distances are you managing at this stage :walking_man: :man_walking:

Keep up the good work



Thanks Sue lots of repeating and practice to establish the best gate and foot placement still ahead but I’m on my way thankfully.

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Thanks my stick will still be in play when outside until I’m better in doors no point having a fall and destroying my confidence. It’s a great feeling when you get there stamina next stage and then better transition from left to right, but it’s still on the right track

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Thanks it was a surprise to me after the marathon climb last week but the physio felt my foot placement was good enough for the next phase and here I am no more wild leg swinging but short measured steps with no knee popping out to the left


Thanks Simon still short distance the length of the kitchen and in th hall to th the dining room was tired after so fatigue was an issue that needs building up.

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Yep deffo - but one yard can become two and two can become four and it doesn’t take long till the up to 1,760 :slight_smile:

How far away is your nearest pub?

I find mine swings in an arc now only when I’m tired or the ground is rough but mostly it’s swings through line of my knee. My foot/big toe still points out a little like a penguin and I find walks over about 100 yd start making the ball of my big toe hurt I think it’s taking more pressure than it used to

Cheers :beer: :beers:


Hi Simon nearest pub is a mile away and on my list for a pint and a steak dinner


That’s definitely a goal that would / should motivate

What’s your preferred pint?


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@mrfrederickson thats great progress…you’re on your way to better things.

I take my stick if I venture out as dizziness can strike at any point and it helps me stay on my feet. It’s also a good tool to let people know you have walking issues. They tend to give a wider berth & get less frustrated when you’re in their way :grinning:

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Will do Sue now to perfect my new found fooot placement and gain in strength
Already looking to get my left arm alive, never giving up until I get where I’m supposed to be.


Thanks and res like you will have my stick in public to safe guard myself against any issues or over zealous members of society
This strengthening aid is helping me a lot with inner thigh movements

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Well done that’s great news! That’s one of my “must dos” then at least I would have a free working hand!

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Woohoo :partying_face: Celebration time comes round again :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap: You just keep on coming don’t you @mrfrederickson :smile:

So now you’re going to try going around without your stick as much as possible. Because the more you can do without it the better it’s going to get in the shortest amount of time. So I would certainly go without around the house :wink: :smile: :people_hugging:

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Thanks Lorraine I’m going to keep stick free in the house but outside until my strength and stamina improves the stick will be on hand to avoid falls and my seat to help with stamina issues.

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Oh I whole heartedly agree with you on that :smile: Here’s hoping it won’t be too much longer :grin:

Well done @mrfrederickson

I’ll just award you one of these, well deserved:

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1: