Stick free

Great work indeed Mark. Proud of you sir

Thanks Andy still a ways tho yet but Iā€™m on my way.

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One day at a time Mark stay in the present, buddy.

Youll get back to where you want to be, takes time.

But embrace and celebrate what you can do and not what you cant do YET.

Yet is the key word


Yes good advice Andy you echo my wifeā€™s continuous message as I spend too much time in the future and not enough in the present.
YET is a great word and perfect mantra


The future has itā€™s place in our thoughts but it can also hold you back if you let it. Itā€™s great for aims and goals but if youā€™re seeing it as ā€œis this how my life is going to be from now onā€, those are the sorts of thoughts that hold you back. Theyā€™re non motivational or inspiring, theyā€™re negative thoughts and are best steered clear of because they can actually stunt your progress.

Onwards and Upwards @mrfrederickson not downwards :wink:


It works for me buddy.

I attended my first gigpost stroke on Friday night


Was standing up for over 2 hours, didnt use the pushchair much. But should have as i got hit hard by fatigue yesterday. But we live and learn.


Totally agree Lorraine, already getting about better it is like I was moving fro a quad stick to single stick, takes a bit of adjustment.

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Love that picture, smiling faces and beautiful colors.

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Had me worried Iā€™d uploaded something else my pic was the wifeā€™s inner thigh strengthening gismo

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She must be strong Markā€¦it reads about 92000 pounds on it???

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My fault didnā€™t reset it properly.
Impressive though

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Yes absolutely Iā€™m on the verge of a new chapter
Managing fatigue and balance and waking up muscles not used in anger for 3 years, plus walking is the most complete exercise for a man or woman and I am loving it.


My thoughts exactly Lorraine, it is liberating but I keep thinking Iā€™ve left my stick somewhere. What a Burke

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Thatā€™s nothing @mrfrederickson, I still panic that Iā€™ve not got my school hat on whenever I a board a bus, and I left school 45yrs ago :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Outstanding Lorraine a site to see if you were pictured in that outfit and it made it to Facebook

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:rofl: Thankfully there are none and it wouldnā€™t go on facebook if there was :smile:

You were lucky Iā€™ve put my seat pics on instagram as part of my stroke journey tend not to have shots of my hospital bed pictures they are quite sad as I look really bad

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Itā€™s finding that I use my stick for things like door closing and other reach things so miss it a bit when Iā€™m walking without it in the house

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You too. Mine comes in very handy to help close doors especially with my frozen shoulder & not being able to stretch my arm out to reach :grin:

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Well done for keeping on going I too am trying to extend my range in walking and any use of my legs
Fed the dog tonight which involved bending down to offer him his bowl on the floor.
Didnā€™t fal kept my. Balance and walked back to my lounge chair.

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