Statins......for or against

Hi all I’m thinking about coming off my statins to see what I’m left with.
My joints are agony, I can’t sleep and my skin is itching.
If I come off them for a month and see what changes at least I’ll know if it’s the medication or post stroke symptoms.
Has anyone else gone down this road?


Was your cholesterol raised? If so I wouldn’t just stop taking them. There are many alternatives out there. I take statins but have no known side effects. I would advise speaking with your GP or pharmacist first


My cholesterol has never been raised. It one size fits all in the world of stroke. Put them on statins.
That’s fine so long as they aren’t compromising your quality of life.
I have changed from Atorvastatin to Pravastatin already with no improvement sadly. My cholesterol is 4.2.
I just need to know if it is the statins causing it. The only way to do that is to stop talking them.
I’ll ask my GP and see what she says.


Hope you find out the cause & get some relief soon. It must be horrid for you x


Ezetimibe has been mentioned to me before. I’m wondering whether to try them as a last ditch effort. Thanks for your input.

It’s just as well I’ve been reading this post today because I decided to check what dose of Atorvastatin I’m on. Just noticed on the label for this prescription, the chemist was out of the 20mg tablets so has given me 10mg to take 2 a day…I’ve only been taking the one :blush:

I’ve never really had no noticeable side effects from Atorvastatin , but I decided to take a weeks break, just out of curiosity, and gone back on them with no noticeable differences either way. But they are supposed to help reduce the risk of stroke…that didn’t work out well for me either…but I will carry on regardless. As they say, it helps to “reduce” the risk of a stroke…not “eliminate” it. And, come to think of it, mine was TIA or mini stroke, so who knows, it could have been a lot worse if it wasn’t for the fact I was already on them.

But I’ll wait now until Saturday to go back up to 20mg. I hate starting pills that are out of sync with the rest because I dispense them into a weekly pill box. I know, I can be very anal that way :blush:

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I feel this is bog standard post-stroke precautionary medication but I also feel it is open for negotiation. The stroke I had was caused by trauma to my neck, and yet I was still prescribed statins. Tried Atorvastatin which suited me badly, and switched to Rosuvastatin which seems okay for me. A lifetime of needlessly taking a medication must cost the NHS millions.


I was on Atorvastatin 80mg. That’s the highest dose. They just didn’t suit me. Joint pain, itchy skin, insomnia. Awful. I’m on Pravastatin now 40mg. Not a lot of different to be honest. I’ll speak to my GP as soon as possible


Hi I have struggled with just about every type of statin & alternatives. Currently on Rosuvastatin which are the best so far. I locked up on atorvastatin. 80 mg., even on 40 mg I had issues.
Coenzyme Q10 helps me greatly, oddly different manufacturers of generic statins have less side effects. Crestor which is AstraZeneca is best for me of the rosuvastins. I even bought 4 months supply in Spain where you can buy over the counter without a prescription. I alternate between the English supply & Crestor as I can’t specify which supplier I want @ our chemist.
Atorvastin varies equally


The doctor kept increasing the dose to get an appropriate reduction in cholesterol levels. It never really reduced it.

Hi Simon.

I’ve been taking 40 mg of Atorvastatin since my stroke 12 months ago. Unfortunately I’m experiencing really bad cramps if I have been active. Have you experienced any problems with cramp?

My cholesterol is currently low at 2.7 but I was told statins have other benefits as well as lowering cholesterol.

I’m thinking of lowering my dosage.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Best wishes


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Think you need to speak with your doctor as that sounds a little too effective.

Sounds very similar to me. I get cramp is feet, ankles, shins, calves, lower arms, wrists and hands when I’ve been active (bowls). I’m seeing my doctor soon so hopefully I’ll be given some advice.

Hope you get sorted soon.


I was and am still getting really bad itching and blood bruises under my skin but stroke doctor thinks this is due to clopidogrel rather than the statins. Are you on a blood thinner as well? They’ve changed me to 75mg of aspirin instead so need to see if makes as difference. Hope you get it sorted

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Made me laugh. I do have problems with some words (occasionally my bowels) but we play crown green bowls. It’s what keeps me going really. Know I’m lucky in that respect. I also go to an arts club. Everyone is very supportive at both. Would recommend joining a group(s) if at all possible.

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Hi Jacqueline

I bruise very easily and put that down to Clopidogrel - 75mg/day.

Sending best wishes.


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I bruise badly and have itch skin. It’s the clopidogrel for me definitely.
I’ve also been blaming the statins for my insomnia but apparently up to 40% of stroke survivors are left suffering with it…
It’s the worst part for me
Does anyone know if there’s something that can be prescribed for insomnia by a GP?

Insomnia is awful. I feel for you. Your GP should be able to help with your sleep issues. Definitely worth talking to them.

A good sleep routine is necessary. Some people use lavender on their pillows too. A bath before bed if you’re able. Reading or music might help too. Depending on how your stroke has affected you.

Hope you get some respite from it soon.

Ann x

They are most likely just exercise induced cramps, tired muscles, they tire more easily with age! And bound to happen during the recovery from stroke as we do tend to suffer a certain amount of muscle atrophy due to reduced/lack of mobility, particularly the stroke side. We are basically waking up and reactivating dormant muscles as we increase our levels of fitness. When those muscles are tired they cramp up and need stretching out again and rest.

Although cramps can be caused by the statins, they don’t necessarily have to be the cause for yours as you say they happen when you’ve been active.
Since I started going to the gym over 18months ago I became susceptible to the occasional cramping at night. I can’t blame my atorvastatin as I was on that about 10yrs before I even had my stroke.

Alternatively, it could be the prelude to any number of other major/minor things such as varicose veins, dehydration, or whatever else, so might be worth mentioning to your GP next time you see them.

I do use a lavender spray on my pillow and although it definitely relaxes me I still don’t sleep. I will definitely speak to my GP as I can’t carry on like this.
Thanks for the feedback. You’re very kind.

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