Statins......for or against

I bruise badly and have itch skin. It’s the clopidogrel for me definitely.
I’ve also been blaming the statins for my insomnia but apparently up to 40% of stroke survivors are left suffering with it…
It’s the worst part for me
Does anyone know if there’s something that can be prescribed for insomnia by a GP?

Insomnia is awful. I feel for you. Your GP should be able to help with your sleep issues. Definitely worth talking to them.

A good sleep routine is necessary. Some people use lavender on their pillows too. A bath before bed if you’re able. Reading or music might help too. Depending on how your stroke has affected you.

Hope you get some respite from it soon.

Ann x

They are most likely just exercise induced cramps, tired muscles, they tire more easily with age! And bound to happen during the recovery from stroke as we do tend to suffer a certain amount of muscle atrophy due to reduced/lack of mobility, particularly the stroke side. We are basically waking up and reactivating dormant muscles as we increase our levels of fitness. When those muscles are tired they cramp up and need stretching out again and rest.

Although cramps can be caused by the statins, they don’t necessarily have to be the cause for yours as you say they happen when you’ve been active.
Since I started going to the gym over 18months ago I became susceptible to the occasional cramping at night. I can’t blame my atorvastatin as I was on that about 10yrs before I even had my stroke.

Alternatively, it could be the prelude to any number of other major/minor things such as varicose veins, dehydration, or whatever else, so might be worth mentioning to your GP next time you see them.

There are a lot of apps and YouTube channels and other sources of guidance on sleep .

If you search on here you’ll find posts on it. I’ve mentioned it in several. The general advice is to establish a routine, not use the bedroom for non-sleep related stuff, limit screen time especially if it has a blue wavelength in the white light (which can be reduced by one of the phone settings on most phones).

You might also look at NICE recommends offering app-based treatment for people with insomnia instead of sleeping pills | News | News | NICE. Which is about sleepio whenever has potential and some good reviews but is not unique

Ciao Simon

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I do use a lavender spray on my pillow and although it definitely relaxes me I still don’t sleep. I will definitely speak to my GP as I can’t carry on like this.
Thanks for the feedback. You’re very kind.

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Thanks so much for your input.
I’ll certainly check out Slepio. I’m not wanting sleeping pills on top of everything else

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There are some interesting articles on alternate day statin dosing, I am not recommending it but worth a look as it suggests reduction in myopathy with minimal loss of efficacy

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It’s strange that you should mention this as I’ve been thinking about doing just that. I did it a few years ago with my HRT and it worked fine for what I wanted.
I haven’t read anything in it but certainly will now you have brought it up. Many thanks

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I never took them. Refused. But everyone should do their own research and conduct their own trials. It is not for anyone else to advise what someone else should do. High cholesterol isn’t the devil everyone thinks it is. My own Dr admitted that. All I would suggest is, if you are thinking about coming off them, find out if you can do that immediately, or if it needs to be done over a few days/weeks.


Hi , I’ve had the same problem with satins , GP recently did a blood test to see if satins were the cau of my joint pain , but came back clear , but I also am thinking of coming of for a while , just so I know myself , the pain in mostly legs are causing mobility issues , could cry some days , I am new on this site so may not be able to find you again , I get confused with all the posts ect

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Hi, my GP upped my statins from 10mg to 40 just before going on holiday and have to say I felt rubbish for two weeks completely wiped out, on my return I went back and the nurse practitioner who reduced my statins to 20mg and within a week or so was back to relatively normal (whatever normal is after a stroke) definitely talk to your GP about how you feel and the possibility of reducing your dose. hope you get sorted soon


I wouldn’t make any serious changes to your medication without first checking with your doctor. I’ve been on rosuvastatin since my stroke and it’s the first statin that’s suited me. My cholesterol has always been high (9+) (it’s an inherited condition) which is why my stroke was perhaps inevitable, and now it’s down to about 5 which everybody seems happy with. Hope you get some help with your symptoms.


Hi Ian,

I completely agree with what you say , people should do their own research and decide whether they think there is any real evidence that statins give any prevention at all against atherosclerosis and strokes.

There is a growing cabal of medical practitioners and researchers who think that the whole model of high lipid levels in the blood leading to heart disease is complete rubbish and not supported by the scientific studies. The website is a great place to go read about their issues with that model - and I can highly recommend the books ‘the great cholesterol con’ and ‘the clot thickens’


Thanks for your input. I will definitely be reading your recommendations in books I for one have been sceptical for some time

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‘The clot thickens’ contains , at the start, a summary of the ideas and science presented in ‘the great cholesterol con’ , so of the two, I’d try that one first - and then the other if you are interested in more of the detail and historic background of how come we have the accepted facts of the relationship between Cardio Vascular Disease and lipid levels when they are not supported by the science!


and in addition there are plenty of scientific studies that show that reducing lipid levels in your blood below a certain level actually increases the levels of ‘all cause mortality’. So depending on what your lipid levels are, reducing them may actually be harmful to your overall lifespan !!


Sorry - one final thought (as you can see I’m quite passionate about this topic) . The majority of lipids in our blood are produced by our liver and not derived from the the food we eat. If these lipids are so bad for our health , how / why has evolution given us an organ that produces them ? Cholesterol is very important in many biochemical pathways and processes (that’s why the liver produces them) and I suspect that that is why reducing their levels too low interferes with these other pathways and processes , hence the increase in mortality.


Good old Malcolm Kendrick. I’ve read all his books, plus listened to hrs of podcasts with him. His books, albeit medical, are highly entertaining. Also, Aseem Maholtra, and Ivor Cummins are ones to look out for.

As for Malcolm’s books I think I started with Statin Nation.


It’s encouraging and a trend I for one would very much welcome being extended there are folk on here who are growing their expertise about stroke related topics and sharing the contextualizing background information .

It takes statins. I only do it because somebody else told me I should. I’m pretty sceptical that they have the degree of understanding of our bodies that I would expect in a car mechanic about my car. It’s abundantly clear that the level of understanding of neurological challenges is a long way short of reliable knowledge .

I think advice about rehab exercises for upper limb has some of deep flaws with a memetic mechanism that sustains them. If I heard that statins are prevalent because of the self-interest of drug companies i’d not be in the least little bit surprised.


Hi @KeithP63
There’s a lot of information that expands outwards from the thincs website.

I note you said that you are somewhat passionate about this topic. I’m guessing that means that you have also read more widely than I have it last 24 hours and you’re able to clarify some of the arguments ?

I seem to find a lot of information saying that the rise of treating people with statins has been ballistic, that it reduces the risks of cardiovascular incidents by in some cases significant percentages, that the industry in providing them is…- perhaps scam is too hard a word but an unclear conclusion and that lipids play an important part in many bodily cycles.

That they have beneficial effects and reducing cost would seem the explanation for the rise in usage and counter to the assertion that they’re uses misguided. That they reduce not eliminate lipids would seem consistent with operation of those other dependant cycles.

So I’m guessing that either I missed some obvious hypothesis or it is a subtle combination of factors that is hidden in plain sight but obscured by the volume of information. The

Would you be willing to set out the précis of the key arguments?