Random numbness. Recovery or warning signs?

Hello all!
I had my last stroke in August 24. Id had one previously that i didn’t know about but showed on my scans. Ive had ALL of the tests for causes, all results were ruled out. I have no risk factors (fit, sporty, eat well, dont smoke, drink occasionally) Bit of a medical anomaly. Anyhow, im doing great in recovery, back in the gym etc, and mostly my right sided numbness is low level. Occasionally, and for no obvious reason the numbness intensifies. This causes panic that I’m having another stroke. Im not, as scans have proven. I was told that its “unlikely to be another stroke. If im still standing then its probably not” So, my question is, is this normal? Why do they come and go? I already had one i didnt know about, so being upright isnt really the benchmark?!
On the grand scheme of it all, im doing great, and im very lucky.
Sorry for the long waffle. Id love to hear if anyone has similar.


Hi! Like you I had a stroke in Sept 24, so around the same time.

I’m 33, fit, go to the gym, eat healthy, don’t smoke, social drinks. No reason for my stroke.

I’m also back to the gym, work full time and generally live normally with no symptoms anymore.

Sometimes I get tingling or ‘tiredness’ in my affected side in the mornings, but it’s short lived and goes away when I ‘wake up’ a bit.

The tingles and other random feelings have became way less frequent too. So I’m putting it down to my brain slowly recovering from the trauma. And trying not to think it’s another stroke (easier said than done though).


Hi, thanks for replying. Im hoping its just recovery panics. I expect those and i do all the mindfulness things i can to help. It just keeps catching me off guard when it randomly intensifies. Ive used all the probable reasons. Tired, too much exercise, too little exercise… It feels like a setback when it happens. It can last a short time or a couple of days. I think im just not a very patient patient, and this recovery malarkey isnt happening fast enough!
Glad to hear youre doing well too!


Feel free to reach out with any queries, we’re all in the same boat!

I too am horribly inpatient. Overdoing it was common at the start!!


Hi @AndreaMillen

Welcome to this wonderful community of stroke recovers and carers and supporters :smile:

From what you are saying you are one of those “just unlucky” people who had a stroke for no (as yet) known reason and this despite leading a lifestyle that does not contribute to the likelihood of having a stroke. There are quite a few members of this community who fall into this category which makes me wonder about the subject of stroke and what the true cause of it is.

One thing that is playing tricks with my mental / logical reasoning is this.
You (and others) say

Logically if everything is ruling out a stroke, then how is it diagnosed as a stroke?

This is going to hurt my brain as I try to understand this.
They say you’ve had a stroke, but they don’t know what caused it.
So how do they know it’s a stroke and not something else?
Cause and effect?

Sorry if I’m losing anyone, but I’m totally not with this.

Is it the case that we don’t know what has happened and what caused it, so we’ll call it a stroke?

I really must be missing something here. How can you say you’ve had a stroke but not be able to prove it?

I daresay one of our community members will put me out of my misery.

In the meantime @AndreaMillen , welcome once again and look forward to your updates.
My response was more like a waffle - your post certainly was not :smile:

Glad to know you’re doing great and al the best.



Oh no!!!

It has just occurred to me, in reading my own response to Andrea’s post that I am that horrible person who says, “You look well, you’ve not really had a stroke???”

Am I? Is this what happens?

I’m so sorry :frowning:



I have had scans on my brain that shows scarring from the clots. One of the scars is larger than the other. The larger one was the most recent and is the one that has left me with numbness/tingling down my right side from my face to my shin, inc my arm. The smaller scar is from a previous stroke that i had no symptoms from. They also cannot tell me when that was likely to have occurred. Ive seen specialists about lifestyle and how i can help myself, theyve all said the same that my lifestyle was unlikely the cause. My bp is great, cholesterol was average, no family history. Im slim and sporty and i eat well. But the scans and numbness are how i know ive had strokes, the reasons are frustratingly a mystery


Ha, dont worry, i didnt read it that way!


Absolutely overdid it from the start! Learnt that lesson very quickly! I was back in the gym and work after only a week. Hindsight, probably shouldve let myself recover a little gentler

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I sometimes get more tingly/numb in my arm or leg. I feel that I get that more when I am stressed or tired. It’s as though my brains is telling me to relax!


Its strange isnt it. I can be very low level, or even none for a few days then it just ramps up. Its pretty scary sometimes. I just put it down to being tired or whatever. Its kind of reassuring to hear its also happens to others. I think its what i need to hear. Thank you for replying :blush:


I went back to the gym after two weeks though my main symptom (dizziness) didn’t stop for 3/4 months.
Only getting back to working out at my old capacity, I just tried to move a little when I went before Christmas.

Stayed off work for 3ish months!


Hi @AndreaMillen

I just wanted to pop along and welcome you to the community, I’m sorry to hear about strokes. It’s great to hear you’re doing so well and I hope that some of the community that have already responded have helped to give you some reassurance.

If you need anything whilst you’re using the Online Community, please don’t hesitate to tag me using the @ symbol and my username.


Hello Andrea,

Congratulations on your improvements. Since there are 2 lesions, you can assume the more recent one affected your nervous system. This will no doubt settle in time. Your right sided numbness impacted your fascia, which is now considered to be our primary sensory organ, and contains 6x more receptors than muscle tissue. What you experience is common, and similar to peripheral neuropathy symptoms. You have a good diet, but do research on fascia at the very least; I take a collagen supplement. You could research the B vitamins, for nerves. Eg) Benfotiamine, a fat soluble form of B1 (It’s also involved in muscle contraction and nerve signal conduction). I would also recommend looking up which foods contain the supplement you need (in a more bio-accessible form). I’m not recommending any particular vitamin, but encouraging you to do your own research and learn a little bit on how to look after the neurons in your nerves that lie within your fascia along your IT band! If you haven’t heard of fascia, then there’s a lot to learn!

If your intuition says I’m way off track, please ignore. I am just reacting to the one phrase I quoted at the start. Good luck!

Ciao, Roland


16 posts were split to a new topic: Medication

@AndreaMillen just popping by to say hi & welcome to the community. Sorry to hear of your strokes but good to hear you are making good process.

The tingling / numbness could be fatigue exacerbating your symptoms but could also be part of the recovery process & hopefully it will reduce over time.

I think many of us in the first year are more alert to any sensations & worry that it might be another stroke. In time you will get used to the different sensations & start to worry less. You should always get checked out if you are worried though.

Best wishes



Thank you Ann.
It very probably is fatigue, i do sports/gym/cycle a lot. I remember having a vibrating sensation in my lower leg before having my stroke. Hindsight it was probably a warning. I ignored it so i thinki zone in on all new sensations. I keep forgetting that its not even been 6 months yet, im still very much in recovery.
Thank you for replying


Hi @AndreaMillen and a big welcome to our community. Sorry to hear of your stroke but it sounds like you are doing well and are getting your life back on track. We are a merry band of stroke survivors and some of us have brought along our carers and families.

As you can see we are always keen to share our experiences and offer advice and information if required, so jump on and ask away.

Look forward to hearing from you as your road to recovery continues.

Keep up the good work, you are doing really well.

Best wishes and regards



Hi @AndreaMillen and welcome to the forum and the ebb and flow of our recovery. This is a marathon, not a race, two steps for forwards and one step back, that’s been the norm for most on here; some feel they are going two steps back.

Now I know you don’t want to discuss medication, but…:sweat_smile:
Statins can have side effects such as numbness, tingling, pins and needles is some people. If so, it may just be a matter of switching to another. The effect may just noticeable on your stroke side could as its the weaker side and more sensitive. Side effects from medications don’t just happen initially, sometimes they can build up over time.

But it’s more likely due to your brain fatigue. The brain has damage to repair, where it can, so it’s running at a reduced service at the moment :wink: If you are demanding a full service well, something has to give. And there will be lots of odd twinges and twangs, pains and little jolts etc, particularly when you first go to bed at night. That’s because we’ve nothing else going on to distract us from being more alert to them. Give your brain a break now and then during the day. Just sit with your eyes closed for 5 or 15 mins to give it a little rest :slightly_smiling_face:

Stroke Improvement Group


Would a side effect from a drug come an go? As in, the numbness isnt consistent in either frequency or intensity.
I think its fatigue too. My brain rewiring, as it was described to me. Its been interesting to hear a couple of others have reported the same. I hoped for a few more similar stories to perhaps help with reassuring my mind but the conversation went off piste! Never mind eh…

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