Pilates routine hemiplagia anyone?

Hello dears,

Happy new year!!

Wondering if anyone has an exercise Pilates routine that can be shared? I am trying to get active due to my weight gained so any insight, tips or suggestions would be extra appreciated. Nigel x

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Happy New Year to you.
Pilates is good for for your core muscles, but you probably won’t lose weight doing it.
I do pilates when I have time. I have tailored the exercises to my weaknesses (right side leg/side/shoulder). There are plenty of exercises on YouTube. Pick a beginners routine, because Pilates is deceptively difficult and you may find you can’t achieve much the first couple of times you try it and that’s a bit of a downer, but it does get easier!


@Nigel1228 happy new year to you too.

I agree with @MinnieB that pilates may be good for strengthening the core but not great for weight loss. Having said that strengthening the core is really important as it will help with everythjng else.

I looked up exercises on YouTube and picked a selection that suited my circumstances. Tara Tobias is someone that others on here have recommended but there will be others too.

I use an exercise bike to help get some exercise. You can start small & build as you improve your stamina.

Best wishes



Walking for an hour a day will help shed weight. IF you can walk, and for that long.
Personally I don’t care for walking outside in the rain this time of year. Cold is ok as you heat up as you go.

To lose weight, you need to do more cardio based exercises. Execises that raise your heartbeat, have you breathless and sweating, fat burning basically :sweat_smile:

If you can’t/don’t care for a gym, then there are plenty of homebased cardio workouts you can find on the internet/youtube, including chair based exercises, if you struggle with balance/mobility.

The key is to aim to do at least 45mins to begin with.

And sit to stands is my all time favourite go-to exercise. They will strengthen your legs from butt to ankle which is vital for walking, climbing stairs, etc.
See how many you can do in a minute and build up from there. When a chair becomes too easy you can do free squats and use the chair back to hold onto for stability if needed.

Steps is another one you can do at home. All you need is a frim and stable step to step up and down from. With something to hold onto for stability if need be. Again, how many can you do in a minute.

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