Walking in public
I have walked to the end of the road with my wife at the first attempt
Something not done since 2017 and two houses ago
My foot was pain free so I went for it.
Well pleased
Walking in public
I have walked to the end of the road with my wife at the first attempt
Something not done since 2017 and two houses ago
Well done Sir , keep up the good news
ciao, Roland
Amazing @mrfrederickson the house m9ve has done you good. Go you
Thanks Richard only just recovering from it with a brew
Today I have walked to the end of my road for the first time this year.
Maybe soon I can walk round the corner.
Thank you everyone
The house move was most beneficial and allows me to make these forays into public life every so often.
Take care one and all. Never give up keep pushing always a little further.
I would add that i believe I have experienced a backwards progression in my overall journey to recovery after a short plateau,
To be expected in the passage of the recovery life cycle.
Well done
. You must be very proud of yourself.
Keep up the good work.
Regards Sue
Great news. I hate walking outside on pavements. Think it’s the fear of falling. But worse than that is shingle! It just feels so unsafe and shingle is everywhere! On friends drives, our surgery, my favourite pub etc! But as a certain person used to say “keep on keeping on!”
As if to prove that point I went for a walk with our dog attended by my wife as handler of us both
First time since 2017
I’m positive but until I can transfer from left to right foot properly in probably at the extent of my abilities currently.
There seems no end to recovery it does get me down as there is continuous pain which must be endured. Also the reality that nothing is quick moving in years not days but as I get older I question have I enough time alive to get right before old age and an aging body finishes me finally
I personally believe that the key to successfully walking again is activating and strengthening all down the backs of your legs, from you butt to your ankle, particularly for the hip and around the knee joint. Get that right first and the rest will follow through naturally. I’m just sorry I never realised that myself sooner, but better late than never.
If anyone can’t stand up from seated…even on the loo, without using their hands and maybe giving themselves a bit of a lurch too, then the backs of their legs are weak and need strengthening. And of course the most likely culprit of this is from sitting so much due to their stroke condition.
The 2 best exercises, which I do daily both at home and the gym, are Squats and Seated Leg Curls (or Ham String curl), the seated leg curl machine at the gym has always been my favourite .
Do them daily for a month will be a huge benefit to your walking
Hi Simon
The leg curl nor you made has been a big help making total sense and got me varying my exercise routine.
My squats were a favourite part of my kettlebell training so I’m glad to be getting into them again small weight building up to the bigger ones I used pre stroke
We use kettlebells a lot during class workout, including my strength & balance class and I always tend to use the heaviest one I can lift, then depending on what we’re doing, I can always switch down a weight
I never stick to one exercise routine for long for fear of becoming it stagnant and not progressing in my strength development. So I usually switch things up every 3 or 4 weeks, even the classes I attend do that. I think it helps keep your body active and on the alert to whatever is coming next…got to keep it on its toes
These are all seated leg curl variations
This one uses a straight length of resistance band tide into a look and be hooked around the leg of a table at home.
This a standing leg curl that can be done at home, again with the use of resistance band.
This one uses a ready looped resistance band.
I like this variation of seat leg curl because the way he does it also gives the abdominal muscles a bit of a workout too
And this is a leg curl machine you find in a gym.
Here’s a sample resistance level guide for the bands, although colour schemes for bands do vary amongst brands.
Sit to stands were my go to initially too. Couldn’t believe how difficult they were for ages.
Well done on the jar opening & the other bits of progress you’ve mentioned recently. It’s all progress for you.
Love that picture. You’ve come on a lot since your house move. Kerp going you’re doing great.
Anyone ever considered using a tread mill?
I’m not able to use one as I am not able to lift my foot off the floor but i have heard of many stroke survivors who do use them. Just start slowly and build up as your stamina improves.
My next step is to find and purchase a treadmill to improve walking distance stamina and style in the comfort of my safe place, the conservatory. Then I’m going to test drive th Baja Erangler 2 all terrain mobility scooter ready for spring time
Upping my independence levels in 2025,
Getting my body outside the comfort of my home in my own vehicle as the car driving is looking less likely and all my shops, pharmacy and post office are under a mile from the house, well within the reach of this vehicle
I use one down the gym but I’m walking pretty competently now. When I first started a few years ago it was more a balance issue for me. But the grab rails on the sides helped with that.
I think @pando might used a treadmill, I’m sure I’ve seen a video of him on one at some point…or somebody on here
But its a great idea if for you to get one if you can afford it, particularly over the winter months when you can’t get as much.
On youtube you can get some great virtual walks for the treadmill to watch at the same time like this one below:
or jog in the mountains
Stroke Improvement Group
Thanks Elle
Took a visual field test last week but have btinrepeat it in 6 months after they update the software
Apparently I moved but the score was deleted due to that but on paper it looked good so next test will be interesting