More.exercise bike workout

Had a productive 2.6 miles ride on the bike today leading with my weak left leg.
Hopefully it strengthens the hamstrings and is less painful but sometimes you have to power through it.


Well done @mrfrederickson that’s a good distance done. The strength will come in time.


Thanks mrs5k peeling and watching the walking dead makes my afternoons bearable.


Thanks Elle1, I keep trying to keep the body moving and strengthening the left in the hope it wakes up one day.

Peddling, typo my bad


@mrfrederickson Good for you, I love my stationary bike and it can lean back and become a recumbent.
I like the fact that it can change resistance on the fly. A little lip in the front holds my Acer tablet to watch shows and simulated bike trails. You can kill two birds: aerobics and strength training.
At times I like to hold two little dumbbells and do curls and presses while peddling
I don’t like the treadmill much…too jarring.
Keep it up my friend. well done…

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Awesome! Keep it up. I need to start lifting weights with my left arm as my muscle has lost so much strength I can barely hold a coffee cup up very long. You’re an encouragement for me.

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I tie y left hand to the 4&10 kg weights with stretch band and pull from the shoulder

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I’m a bit of a tea jenny, I suppose you could say that was my inspiration…the thought of never being able to hold a cup of tea, or go and make one. Yep, the more I think about it the more I’m convinced Tea was what inspired me to get active again :blush:

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Never a bad reason
Mine is just the joy of being alive and making my floppy arm work again so as to carry a cups for my wife

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Then start carrying things around with you in that hand…make it carry them :wink:

I witnessed a wonderful little miracle today at my Aphasia group.
A fellow stroke survivor managed to move his fingers a little for the very first time post stroke a year ago :smile: Needless to say his excitement rubbed off on everyone there :smile:


Fabulous news and so inspiring

I know that although only a fraction of a mum I can move all my fingers so I know that the wiring is working just Mission Control brain has not remembered that the arm exists, but it may do soon

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