Lucky Me -rant warning coming up

After my stroke in April, I have been left with CPSP, brain fog, spasticity in my thigh, little to no feeling in my left hand and the usual fatigue. I can, however, talk, walk, ride my horse, in other words if you don’t know me, I look ‘normal’ That said, if one more person says to me that I’ve been lucky I am going to punch them right in the bloody face. Had to get that off my chest really, no one who has had a TIA/stroke, however they have been affected, has been lucky. Rant over !!


Wellll…I did contemplate it…you know…just to freak my daughter out when she sees your hand fly out at me from my computer screen :laughing: Just to get my own back on her for banging on the car window earlier today and scaring the pants off me … but I already did that when she had to join me and my fruity aroma in the car after it…if she wanted a lift back home :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Otherwise it would mean a 9 mile walk :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I’d have made her walk but I can’t help but love her :blush:

But I do count myself extremely lucky, when I consider what you and many others go through. And you are entitled to rant, and you do right by ranting on here and sparing those you love. Rant away I say :wink:


@clibbers1 It’s hard looking from the inside isn’t it. The record so far for my least favourite comment is THREE times in one day:
" You don’t look like you’ve had a stroke"

And I always want to say “Oh Yeah??, well I can assure you that I ruddy well have! What exactly would you like me to look like? Perhaps I should lean on my stick and lurch from side to side? Maybe just talk gibberish and fall over?
But no, I try to keep my dignity intact and I justsay " Thanks”. I know those people want to say something nice but just don’t know how to say it.


Tell them it’s shy and doesn’t like people staring at it :laughing:


@EmeraldEyes I’ll save that one for when I leave my zip undone :rofl:


I’ll have your back mate

K :polar_bear: :wink:

Polar bear brutally mauls tourist 'after wandering onto Arctic campsite in  search of food' - Daily Star


@Strings and @KGB you boogers, I literally just spat my tea out all over my monitor and keyboard :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :weary:


Please sir I want some more

K :polar_bear: :wink:


The other thing that gets right up my nose is the looks @SimonInEdinburgh get when he lumbers down the road when he’s getting tired.

He isn’t drunk at 9 in the morning, he has spasticity issues with his leg.

I normally bite my tongue and just give them the evil eye, withering look, or the ‘WHAT?’ glare, but catch me when I’m in cranky mode and I will let rip!

He is of the opinion of if someone says he looks normal, he’ll reply, ’ that’s kind of you, it’s taken me three years to get to this point!!’

:flamingo: :flamingo: for you all cos you’re fabulous


Ive toughened up to these comment and they now don’t register three years on. Came out of hospital after three week holiday. With some permanent vision loss. Friend(?) said to me
“ count yourself lucky ! You’re not in a wheelchair covered in a blanket slobbering” just the sort of visitor you want. Since then the odd comment does rattle me . Just say “ keep a check on your BP, I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through this.


Me too and I’m the carer, but I do do bellydancing :rofl::rofl:


@clibbers1 it can be frustrating but i wonder sometimes if they are just trying to be positive & provide encouragement. Of course for us we feel rubbish daily & wish people understood more.

I usually just say thank you to them & move on. Although if someone says to be me i’m glad you’ve recovered ok I usually say I am still recovering & probably will be for a very long time.


@clibbers1 . My pet hate is people saying “you look well”. Just want to scream at them “We’ll I’m bloody not!”


Keep telling my mates I’m going to get a T shirt printed with " You’re Doing Very Well"


OMG i just spat my tea out reading this , this so cheered me up that im not the only one.


@Bubbles01 just popping by to say hi & welcome to the community. Hope you find all the help you’re looking for here.
We’re a friendly bunch & look forward to hearing more from you.

Best wishes

Ann x


This made me chuckle :laughing:
Yes I have had the:
‘You look well’
‘Why are you not back to work?’
‘You are lucky’
‘You got off lightly’
Of course people mean well and no doubt some just don’t know what to say!
Don’t want to try and punch them in the face because my right side has had enough damage already!!! :laughing:
What I sometimes want is to go out and not think about it or be reminded of it and so ‘how are you?’ can also be a little ‘sensitive’.


I think you’re right people don’t know what to say & probably ate just trying to make us feel good by saying we look well etc etc. I’ve probably said the same to others in the past not understanding how they’re really feeling. :grin:


Actually I’ve a bit more to off load…
I feel sooo lucky 'cos:
So tired that when I go to bed I can’t sleep anyway.
When I do sleep I still wake up at stupid o’clock in the morning.
Can’t get comfortable in bed!
Just when I think I have done enough appointments more appear!
To get to those appointments I beg for a lift or get a taxi!!!
To drive again it seems I have to suffer the Drive Ability course.
All we have is a CO-OP store which is expensive!

Its ok, some points maybe considered superficial!
Yeah so lucky, but still looking well though :sunglasses:


Just wanted to hi and welcome to the forum @Bubbles01. It always helps to have a sense of humour :blush:
