Lucky Me -rant warning coming up

Hello everyone
Im from the west coast of Scotland , im new as in just finally had the courage to write a bit about myself. I am post stroke 9 months [ TIA on the 4th of July one will never forget that date ] and i have just come through the toughest and darkest period of my life, Thank you Clibber1 for cheering me up Yesterday and thank you everyone for your helpful tips its been a great help.


Well now you have reached for the light, we’ll do our best to help keep you there :smile: I myself am 3yrs post stroke and like yourself, mine were TIA’s too. I’m back driving again, do a number of fitness classes, gardening and getting on with living and enjoying life as much as possible. Still left with a few deficits such as drop foot (well, a hint of it now), mild aphasia and of course the dreaded fatigue if I don’t manage my days well. But they’re all a work in progress, never give up, never give in and never settle I say . . . maybe I’m just an endorphin junky :thinking: :laughing:

There are lots of tips, advice and council to be found on here on just about everything anyone has ever experienced post. Just make good use of the search bar by clicking on the magnifying glass above :mag: and type in a few keys words on what you want to know. If you need any help navigating the forum or creating posts there are quite a few of us on here able enough to help you out, so don’t be afraid to ask :smile:


Thank you EmeraldEyes, its certainly been an eye opener reading everyones comments and so helpful.

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