Getting old

I remember the Corona man coming around every week in his truck selling fizzy drinks.

My nan lived in Surrey and we loved going to visit as they had a man in a truck who sold sweets.
, it was the highlight of my week. You actually got into the back of the truck and there were shelves full of all sorts of sweets. Pick and mix on wheels. Could you imagine letting you kids get into the backmof a truck to buy sweets now days !!!


Recording the top 40 off the radio :radio: desperately trying to stop tye tape at right point to cut out the chatter :grin:

Roller boots too. I still have the scar from where i skinned my leg down to tye bone :grin:

Playing outside & returning when street lights came on.


When I was 7 we moved from London to Kent and our garden backed onto an orchard and we used to go out to play in the morning and stayed out all day until we got hungry and went home for dinner !!

Really sad that children can’t do that these days.


For kids today it’s all about screen time & how much of that they can squeeze in a day forgetting about family/school & learning social skills . What’s more important is the next level in a game I even caught a secondary school girl taking a photo of what was on her plate for her FaceBook page :flushed::flushed:
Granted we’re all getting older but being a 50’s/60’s/70s child was the best time in being a child


Hi everyone. I must be really old. I can be a reallly old stroke survivor. My most vivid memory is of the relief when the air raid sirens sounded the all clear. Lilian


8 fruit-salads or fyling sauces for a ½d


The winter of 1963…and we still went to school!


I was a big fan of How & Magpie & yup I always had to hand a bit of sticky back plastic for
Blue Peter


It was Alpine by us Ann, cream soda and dandelion and burdock were the best flavours!!!

Dandelion and burdock i liked but cream soda was yuck :nauseated_face: :grin:

Greedy guts me asked my mum to get one of each pretending one was for my brother!!!

Whereas the kids of today will be reminiscing of taking photos of real food on a plate while their children eat virtual food in cyberspace :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Have we had conkers and marbles yet? We used to spend hours on playing those games.


That sounds dangerous @Loshy but lits of fun :rofl: i’d have stabbed myself. We used to play British Bulldog & hopscotch.

Who watched in 1969 the 1st man on the moon … (ALLEGEDLY) <<

N.A.S.A . = Never A Straight Answer . :joy:

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@Jordan not me…I wasn’t born then :rofl::rofl:

Trust me you didn’t miss anything :joy:

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@Loshy i loved British Bulldog. Maybe because I was good at running so won quite often…not that I was competitive :rofl::rofl:

Telephones that were hard wired into the house where dialling 999 woukd have taken forever as you had to wait for dial to return to original position before you could dial next number.

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@ Loshy I’m less than a month older than you

I’m guessing you had a Barbie doll
I remember my Action man . With all his accessories & yup I got on my 10 Birthday a helicopter that my Action man could sit … :helicopter:
You can imagine the glee & many a time told to hush as I was making to much helicopter noises :joy:

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Car telephones & mobile phones that came with their own utility belts for the batteries enormous they were looking @ my I-phone now
Just WOW … :flushed:

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