First hospital appointment since Stroke

Good evening all, I’m currently compiling a list of questions to ask the consultant tomorrow and was hoping you’d be kind enough to share any ideas as I’m still struggling to explain/ remember what I want to say!
Many thanks
Sam :blush: x


To be honest Nigel, I have no idea! I’m guessing a Dr or Consultant, it just says medical team not Stroke specific so I really don’t know. X


That is probably one of the best things you can do. I always write out some key notes to prompt myself when I have Consultant or Doctor appointments.
One of the stoke symptoms I have is poor concentration and coordination, so writing stuff down is a big aid for me.


I would be asking them if they know what caused your stroke, what further tests you need, what can be done to prevent it happening again, any referrals to others you think you might need. , are you on right treatment plan. Have you got any specific symptoms that are concerning you? Ask about those.

That’s a few things that I can think of.

Hope it goes well.



Wow!! Thank you all so much! Great ideas and lots more to add to my list!! :+1:t3::pray: I’ll let you know how I get on. :kissing_heart::heart: x


@Sammy1 nothing to add that’s not already been said. Just like to send you best wishes for tomorrow.



Thanks Steve, I just want to make sure I use the time wisely. X


Hi @Sammy1 if you don’t mind me asking how did your appointment go?



Post stroke my short term memory and attention span is poor so I write down things like shopping lists,questions to ask etc in order that I remember .
Think through the questions that you want answers to and write them down.
Good luck with the appointment and with your post-stroke journey.


Hi Steve, It was ok I think. :woman_facepalming:t2: He said the part of my brain affected was to do with my emotions/ senses. He was pleased with my progress, I know people mean well when they say “ you look well” but it makes me want to shout “ you can’t see inside my head!!” He said I need to chill, keep calm, exercise more but rest too. He said it’s the first year I’m more likely to have another stroke.
Good news though, I’ve driven today for the first time since November! It felt great! X


Hi @Sammy1 i totally get where you are coming from regards emotions I’m exactly the same. Glad it went well though. I haven’t had a follow up yet. Great news about driving and hope you found it to be ok. I was told not to drive for 3months due to Stroke and TIA close together. Reported it to DVLA but got letter back saying they have cleared me to drive but I’m waiting till 3 months are up (first symptoms I got were when driving). I try and get a walk in most days now which I am enjoying.



Hi @Steevo_fife The only part I didn’t understand is he said my stroke shouldn’t affect my cognition and that this was down to my emotions. But I know I’m processing much slower than before and cant read long texts or multi task, he said it was my emotions?! He said to focus on one thing at a time. You’re wise I’m only going to drive locally and when I feel up to it. I’ve got to up my exercise so will still walk every day. Good luck !:blush: x


I was going to tag you in my post @SimonInEdinburgh but didn’t want to put you on the spot. :rofl: Thanks for your wise words, it really does help. :blush: x


I’ve got my first one next week. Is a telephone consultation so have asked for it to be changed to face to face so I can take husband as I’ll forget their answers. . Will be asking about what caused my stroke. Is my heart ok? They did some tests, no idea so far. Will ask about the headaches and my digestive isssues since starting on clopidogrel, plus when can I drive and can I go on my planned holiday in May ( my stroke was October gone)

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Hope your follow up appointment goes well. Sounds like you’ve got all the main questions covered. It may be different for everyone but I went on holiday 5 months after my stroke so fingers crossed your consultant will give you the all clear to go away too.

Hope they will change your appointment yo face to face for you.

Best wishes



Thanks Ann, will let you know :blush:


Hi Ann
I got my face to face appointment, and it was great. Answered all my questions :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: