Does everyone get fatigue or not? Had my stroke December ‘23 and I get tired but not the way I had fatigue explained just that I had a big day and I did a lot and ready to sleep as soon as I can go to bed
Its as Simon says, the healing does take a lot out of you but also the effort of doing things…even talking.
3yrs post stroke now and I dont often suffer with it now.
About 8mths after stroke I was put on Folic Acid and that seemed to give me a new leace of life, I was very low in it and suffered heavy legs too.
I only tend to get fatigued now if stressed or its been a particularly hectic day.
Might be worth giving vitamin B12 a try, if your ok with it. Its good brain food, much needed for brain healing.
I’ve just started to drive again and the fatigue is horrendous. I’m trying to do short sessions of 10 minutes or less every few days and build it up on a week by week basis. I think it’s just a shock to my brain to have to do more than one thing at a time. I thought I might have got tired when I started riding again, as although it doesn’t look like it, you don’t just sit there and do nothing, but I don’t, perhaps it’s being in the fresh air. I’ll start driving with the window open
@garethc970 fatigue is very common but not everyone gets it. You may find you’ve escaped it but still try & manage things as it could creep up on you.
I had a couple of heart attacks about twenty years ago, it affected me deeply.
When I had a stroke a couple of years ago despite having been incapacitated I managed to take it in my stride.
I did not do what I have seen so many others do, I was lazy, you might call it, rested and took things easy. I was not inactive but not so driven as is common amongst others affected by stroke.
I think those plagued by fatigue work unceasingly, promising themselves there is a cure, maybe even a complete recovery if they work at it with sufficient energy.
I cannot say with certainty whether this is true or not but I believe it may be the source of the fatigue that some experience. They simply drain off any energy they can summon and as a result they are always functioning at low ebb.
In years past I have been one of those who literally worked around the clock sometimes, proud to say I worked hard and played hard. I know there are others with this way of living their life. Perhaps it is a factor leading towards stroke.
I still push myself at times, but I’ve also learned how to be laid back and touch wood, fatigue does not strike here.
There is no one method defines or fixes all. We each have to find our own way but there is value in outlining your own experience and also in opening to what others have to share.
Be kind to yourself
keep on keepin’ on
I think, for me, if I don’t push myself as hard as I can, I will just curl up under the duvet and never do anything again. I don’t think I have ever been so disciplined or worked so hard before the stroke, Your way is much more sensible, but I’m scared of slowing down. For example yesterday, 30 minutes brain training, 30 minutes of still trying to learn basic Spanish because it’s good for neuroplasticity , 30 minutes walk in the fresh air, 5 KM stationary bike ride and an hour of weights with my personal trainer. Actually, looking at that, it’s no wonder I’m bloody tired.
Despite what I posted, I’m not saying inaction is necessarily good but rest is a good idea maybe more important than one imagines.
I think being motivated is important too. You are finding your own way through this as are we all. Some reckon all the answers are there if you buy the book, consult (for a fee) the expert and use a plethora of patent devices.
I think you are using your energy wisely and will get results but maybe you should build taking a break as an important and constructive part of your plan.
I’m sure planned down time can be just as important as planned activity.
Good luck with your efforts and may you rest and recover well.
Fear is an enemy, don’t let it become a motivator.
keep on keepin on
@Bobbi you may have a point there. Finding the balance between activity & rest is very important. I’m still working out that balance
You will get tired quickly to begin with.
You’ve been out of driving for a while and your brain is a muscle. You have to build it up gradually.
Think about it, how were you when you first took up riding. I bet your body hurt! You didn’t just get straight on a horse and ride for a couple hours, not feel a thing next day and get back on for another couple hours. Driving takes a lot of mental effort, much the same as a muscle unused to physical exercise, your brain is unused to driving now and tiers quicker. Lots of short runs will gradually build up that stamina once again. A little every day: like a 10 min drive to a park, walk half an hour and then 10min drive back home. Nip down to the local supermarket to do some shopping and drive home again.
There’s an awful lot to concentrate on in driving that brain is now rusty in and is overthinking. But over the coming months that will diminish as naturally instincts take over again. There’s a certain amount of anxiety and stress involved to getting back into driving which is what results in the fatigue. So the more little runs you do and relax into, the the less you will suffer the fatigue of it all.
Fatigue has been a big one for me, I was very active before my stroke and once my initial recovery was over I thought I could carry on as before. Looks like I was wrong, 6 months post stroke I had a decompensation and have had 4 more in the last 6 months!! Been a huge setback but while I am waiting for more tests to see if there is something else lurking Im setting myself small goals and resting alot. It sounds like everyone has different experiences… whatever works for you. My advice is not to push on when you feel tired, I did and ended up in an ambulance/hospital. Its hard not getting out as much though, can be very isolating.
Fatigue is my challenge. I’m learning pace, stamina and planning. Physio work outs send me rest quickly. Power naps are good too.
As many say, we’re all different and brains too. Recovery is person dependent. I try to aim for small successes each day to boost my mood. Being positive is a good thing.
Do physical stuff and expand your mind if you can. Pace, prioritise and plan.
I was pretty active too before, thanks to some fitness my recovery is manageable.
Due to seizures I’m on meds. so can’t drive. However, that’s good to have time to build up to driving concentration. Meanwhile, as I’m 60, I can have a bus pass. So better motivation to walk and get on buses/trains for a change. No need to worry about parking!
Your post really rings true to me - fatigue is a hidden factor post stroke and is not covered in some benefits like PIP!
I had a stroke in April 2020 and then another 4 TIAs during the next 2 and a half years!
Tired, fatigue, stress have all been present since and still manifest themselves now.
I have got over the physical side of my stroke but the brain fog I endure and the fatigue etc really have a marked presence in my life.
That said I try to keep my mind occupied but know when I’ve had enough.
I will keep fighting this!
Hope this helps and show you that these things are part and parcel of the strokes.
I keep reasonably active mentally and physically, but o dear when I over due things, it comes to call big time. Wake up thinking what’s wrong with me, going down with a bug ? Is it a bit of depression ? Then the penny drops flipping fatigue. Live with it a while and with lack of motivation yuk. Getting out in fresh air and moving usually sends it packing for me.
But it does take one by surprise.
garethc970 I don’t think everyone gets it but for me fatigue is the single worst thing by miles.
My stroke was May 23 and have been fatigued ever since. I was previously a very active busy retired happy person. Now I am soooo fatigued every morning is the worst, afternoon slight better, and evenings bit better. Every day is a such a struggle just to have a shower and dress.
As my fatigue has a bit of a Pattern I force myself to do an activity each afternoon, either Hoover, clean, go for a walk And hopefully soon gardening.
I despair it will ever go?
My left side has recovered well so look ok to people.
Extremely frustrating. Can’t participate in life properly.
Unlike some, In my case my fatigue does not get worse or better if I force myself to do something but it’s the hardest thing to make myself.
I can only speak for myself, but I am constantly needing to reset my brain. I rarely act on autopilot, brain persistently ticking over and it drains quickly bringing symptoms to the forefront. I don’t nap during the day now, but I sing a lot to reset my brain and watch a bit of telly, play video games, read, garden, and have baths. I find scents help reset the brain, tactile things as well, it is called blanking.
Hi guys. I am almost 3 years post stroke now but having a bad patch with fatigue. Thought it was getting less but clearly done too much this week and haven’t enough energy to even go for a short walk.
Saw a post suggesting B12 and wondering whether to give it a try.
Live on my own and just staying in the house is not good for me mentally.
Any other suggestions?
My arms are the worst. even typing this is a struggle
Thanks Simon. I have not actually tried a diary as I thought I was getting very good at managing my time. Clearly must have overlooked something this week. Thanks for the Online chat info too. I might join you
B12 can be a cause for fatigue if you are low in it, Folic Acid is another nutrient to cause fatigue if low. Make sure you get plenty of protein in your daily diet
But it could also be that your blood sugar levels were just a bit low if you’ve been having a particularly busy week. Maybe you just haven’t been taking in enough carbs to sustain you over the activities you have been doing.
Naturally, not knowing what your eating habits are, I’d suggest topping up on your body’s nutrients about an hour before you go for a walk or other strenuous activity. A banana and a couple biscuits for example, or an egg and slice of toast, mixed fruit and nuts. Keep some healthy snacks at the ready for when you do feel low, better yet carry glucose tablets around with you when you’re out and about. When you feel fatigued chew on 3 tablets (they’re just like sugary sweets)…my diabetic nurse tells me to take 5 if I’m particularly low.
Your answer, and @Pds are very helpful to me, still now, 2.5 years later! Thank you!
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