Doesn't listen

Just need somewhere to rant so recently put a post on about my husband waiting to go to a rehabilitation centre we had the assessment and it was very positive well just 4 days to go and what does he do
While I’m in shower he decides to use the toilet an falls i had asked him if he wanted to go before i went upstairs he’s hurt his chest which is bruised hoping its going to be alot better only 1 day to go


Unfortunately forgetfulness is the short term memory loss after stroke.

A perfect example from myself today: put a Broccoli in the trolley at Aldi today. Hubby said it’s cheaper in Morrisons so put it back.
Later in Morrisons 3 times I went to get the Broccoli and side tracked myself with something I remembered. Ended up coming home without it and didn’t notice until I went to fridge to get everything out for dinner. :confounded: So we’re having mint peas instead :smile:
I recon if I hadn’t put it in the trolley to begin with I’d have remembered to actually pick one up in Morrisons :slightly_smiling_face: It’s just this funny way round my brain now works…keeps the family entertained anyway :blush:

Maybe it would help in those instances to leave a written reminder for him in future.


Your probably right he says he thinks he can walk but obviously he can’t anyway hopefully this private physio place will help him achieve the walking its got great reviews fingers crossed :grinning:


@lynne_day923 oh no. Maybe he just wanted to try something himself. Not great when you know he can’t do it but sometimes we just have to try. Although that does make it worse for those looking after us.

Really hope the rehab goes well.

Good luck xx


After my first fall, in hospital, with a grazed ankle, unable because of the stroke to move mysylf, I was surrounded by a group of nurses, who tuttted, told me off and used a big canvas bag sort of thing with a lifting device to dump me unceremoniously on my bed. Obviously I had been a very naughty boy.
After they had gone a doctor arrived. He carefully examined me from head to foot. Eventually he seemed satisfied and turned to me and said something that has stayed with me.

‘If you continue making progress, then this won’t be the last time you fall.’

So it was to be accepted as a part of recovery, a necessary sign of the way forward…

It was my first fall but definitely not my last and I always think of that medic. I have been very uncomfortable sometimes but he was right, nothing ventured nothing gained.

It is commendable to be concerned about the welfare of a stroke survivor, but you must leave them enough room to be able to push the boundaries. Too much cotton wool can stifle.

I’m sure your care for your husband is commendable, but really, he needs a medal for trying, even if it was not a success this time.

May both you and he

Keep on keepin’ on
:toilet: :grin: :+1:

by the way I have a driver assessment today, I don’t think crashing with other cars will be seen as making progress, I better be careful

Always feel free to rant, its only natural and we don’t mind you bending our ears.

We stroke survivors do tend to have ‘war wounds’. Talk about 'em all day, we can.


“Now where are you going”…my hubby said it many a time and also that he needed eyes in the back of his head and the ends of his fingers tips to see what I was up to. He’d no sooner see me settled in one place when I’d be up to get something just out of reach. :laughing: I was just as bad after my hip replacement :roll_eyes: :rofl:
But…I never fell! :smiley:

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It’s good because you can rant on here then you realise the problems are similar sometimes and emerald eyes always makes me laugh to lighten things


Lynne I hope you got hubby to the appointment and it’s positive I don’t know about anyone else but I am finding suddenly I am sometimes struggling emotionally and this is the group that understands x


Oh lynne what a shame. I do hope he’s doing better. I’ve been having trouble wx tendons and ankle on my bad side and it’s like one step forward one step back! So annoying but part of the process I suppose. Please pass on my sympathies but I know how he feels wanting to do things himself! Keep on battling?! Regards suzywong


Hope your driving assessment went OK

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Well we managed at rehab and to be fair he did ok with all pulling and stretching in the first hour The 2nd hour was on a coordination machine which will help with his balance and coordination. Another 2 hours again tomorrow fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Thats great @lynne_day923 hopefully tomorrow will go equally as well & you’ll soon start to see the benefits.

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thanks for the good wishes, unfortunately there was a paperwork problem, it is something that can be sorted, I will have to go back when it is.
I hope you have another good day, incidents and things going wrong seems to be what comes up sometimes, but I’m sure you deserve things a bit easier. You will get past all this, the sooner the better, I would say.
Stay smiling and
Keep on keepin’ on
:smiley: :+1:


Second session went well they had him walking with a pole instead of the zimmer he said it was better and feed back from physio was good Role on Tuesday

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@lynne_day923 that all sounds really really positive. I am so pleased for you both. Here’s to Tuesday being even better xx

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Hi at the moment we have community physio and occupational therapy. Physio is 2times a week an ot once but wealso have rehabilitation assistants coming once aweek but i think we have only 3 more weeks with them then they pass you to neurological therapy
We go to private physio on Tuesday and Thursday then when community have finished try to get another day just trying to get him more mobile.I also do halfhour stretching on a morning with him


I pay close attention grown adults r like big kids don’t listen

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I get so frustrated with how slow I am, but you are absolutely correct. We are retraining pretty much everything. It gets better with time. I just got so used to this instant gratification thing or on demand food, tv, music, etc… I want that for physical, mental, emotional returns! Don’t we all? Thank you for the reminder it does get better and it is getting better. I went swimming yesterday! I built an adirondack chair yesterday. I cooked yesterday. I slept most of the day today, other than watching THE RACE (I have to say it that way, I am from Indianapolis) today. We just do what we need to do as much as we can and get a little better with practice.

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Why don’t PARENTS listen to their own children


because they learned from children who did not listen to their parents? I’m kidding. Your response gave me a giggle. I had not thought of that. My daughters haven’t tried telling me anything, although my grandson does. My sister is the one likely frustrated that I don’t listen. I hear more than she thinks I do, but we have had different lifestyles for many years. She would have had me throwing the dog and my older daughter out the door, for my own sake. That is a hard NO from me.