Dipping a toe into Activities

Today I’m venturing into the Stroke Association online activities.
Preliminary meeting this morning.
I don’t know what I am letting myself in for, but I feel sure it will be interesting.


Sounds a good idea. How do you join?

there’s info in the post linked to below


I’ve just attended my first meeting with some other stroke survivors, also new to this, conducted by Nicola of the stroke association.

(Details of how to get involved in the post above.)

Nicola explained how these Zoom calls were conducted and what sort of activities were available.

The meeting was informal, very relaxed and questions were encouraged.

I don’t get out of the house at present, so this gives me some outside contact that I find invaluable. I know there are others in this situation who would also want to be involved.

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I also attended this meeting & will be joining others as & when I can. It gives me the opportunity to speak with other people as I can only go out if someone takes, & my hearing issues allow, me so spend a lot of time on my own. There’s no pressure to join any of the sessions & it sounds like you can just dip in & out as you want to to.

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I followed up the beginner session with a look at the geneology group.
They were discussing the research they had done and received advice on how to improve their searches. My wife and I were told how to make a start and it was explained that the early stages would be deliberately uncomplicated. We decided to continue and go a bit further with this. It does look interesting and there is help on offer.

I thoroughly enjoyed researching my family tree. It can be quite addictive especially if you come across little mysteries. I need to get back into it as still some mysteries to unravel. Would love to hear how you’re getting on.


Another Zoom meeting today. A chance to meet other Stroke Survivors and also to learn more about stroke.
The experience was interesting and useful on many levels. There are other activities but I won’t try to tackle them all at once, it wouldn’t do to burn out after the first couple of sessions.

@Mrs5K I bet it is absorbing. I’ll be sure to post after my first session.

@Mahoney Thanks for the good wishes, I’m looking forward to more :grinning:

Next step right now is to have a brew and give myself an hour to relax and recharge.

@Bobbi not sure if it was mentioned in the genealogy session but a site I used a lot was freebmd.


It’s a good starting point & worth a look.

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Thanks @Loshy I see you are regular too, it must be the brussels sprouts. :smiley:

I’ve made a note @Mrs5K will take a look as you suggest. Thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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