Difficult weather

Currently watching my wife battening down the hatches in preparation to receive the promised storm Ciaran. It’s times like these, when I see her struggling, that my predicament hits home. It should be ME out there.
It’s our turn, in the south - and you can’t get much further south than where we are. Fortunately, we’re a mile inland from the coast, so won’t be feeling the effects of the on-shore winds too much, but we’ll still be in for a bit of a blow.
Anyone else fearing the worst?


Hope the storm doesn’t affect you too badly. I think we are on the edge of it but not sure if we’ll get hit or not. I’m hoping not but we have just had a torrential downpour.

Stay safe x


Fingers crossed - you too.


We’re in Kent , not on the coast, luckily. At the moment the sun is shining :sun_with_face: :sunny: but the black clouds are gathering as I writing this. Hope things are not too bad wherever you are.

Stay safe everyone.

Regards Sue


West Sussex. Wind is from the west and bringing some ominous clouds, but the bulk of it will be tonight and tomorrow.
Be safe & well.


Don’t know how good your eyesight is for this, but here’s a live weather satellite for you to keep track of where it is :wink:

(Just click the Play Animation button at the bottom of the screen to see how far it’s travelled in the last few hours.)

I’m not too concerned for ourselves here as we’re further north and reasonably sheltered by the Pennines.


Just watched the local forecast & seems we are now expecting the storm. Batten down the hatches :cloud_with_rain::cloud_with_rain::umbrella::umbrella::umbrella:


Thank you! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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it’s blowing a hoolie up here in Edinburgh and it cccccold :cold_face::cold_face:


Blowing like a good-un down here. Not too cold but wwwwwet.


Looks like we’ve been fairly lucky thus far. No serious damage yet, that I can see. The wheelie bins were put out last night for this mornings collection, and seem to have had some exciting adventures during the night, making the pavements resemble an elongated chessboard.
Let’s see what the day brings.
Hope everyone faired as well.

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Dawlish was interesting this morning. For whatever reason, a bit before high tide around 9am, the sea seemed to calm. Prior to that, the waves were pounding in & crashing into the sea wall. A couple made it over the wall nearest the line. Difficult to believe looking at it now


This was 8 years ago. The sea wall has been raised substantially since then. A sunny day with the waves smashing against the sea wall is great for photography.


We are up to c already? Didn’t we just have storm Boba Fett or Bilbo Baggins last week? I’ve been top to toe with two hot water bottles this week.


Ha-ha-ha…,. No, it was Babett, I think.


I apologise to everyone about my storm

C :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:polar_bear: :wink:

Polar bear in snow storm Stock Photo - Alamy

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