My stroke was Nov 30th. I have got an iffy, sore tooth. I am on anticoagulants.
I have seen somewhere to avoid routine dental interventions/treatments for 6 months!
This will almost certainly be a root canal and crown if not extraction and being a manic overthinker am already a bit concerned and haven’t had a consultation with dentist yet.
Has anyone had such treatments soon after a stroke??
My consultant for something else won’t touch me for a year before I can come off anti clotting drugs a few days before the procedure
@matt_d13 thank you for replying. I spoke to lovely community stroke nurse, I’ve only bothered her once before when fuddled on discharge. She had never been asked before! Googled while we chatted which I’d already done! Suggested discuss with dental practice.
The receptionist said she knew no hygienist for 6 months,and I’m seeing dentist tomorrow to see what he thinks re tooth.
Are you on clopidogrel? I’ve not had any dental work done but when I was discussing my stroke with the dentist I mentioned I was on Clopidogrel & he said they need to be aware of it but it shouldn’t be an issue as it doesn’t pose the same risks as warfarin or equivalents.
I see you have an appointment now so hopefully they can put your mind at ease. After all if you have raging toothache they can’t just leave you for 6 months.
Good luck.
I’m on apixaban an anticoagulant called a direct oral anticoagulant. I’ve had treatment on it before, seems to be to do with time since stroke, I’ll see what the handsome Asad, my dentist says
Thank you @Mrs5K
I expect the handsome Asad will know what to do.
Dental visits are not so bad as they used to be. The only challenge is getting it on the NHS if that is what you want
Just for completeness, saw Asad today
My tooth will have to come out but he would like to wait till May which is a couple of weeks off 6 months from stroke. Pretty painful today but I have got antibiotics and can go back if not settled. “We are here to help you”
There’s an up side, I may lose a bit of weight!!
Had a similar situation during covid so think I’ll manage.
Amusing that I was thinking at least his room on ground floor. Not today, a lady with a stick needed that room so up 2 flights I went!!
Really hope the antibiotics keep the pain at bay until you can have the tooth removed.
And wow go you getting up 2 flights of stairs. Thats your exercise for the day done.
@Mrs5K Definitely re stairs, I was pretty puffed if that happened before stroke. But worth it. He’s as kind as he is good looking.
My dentist (the equally lovely Sravya!) said that Clopidogrel is not a problem but to keep her informed of ANY changes to my medication.
I’m saying this more for the benefit of anyone else who might be reading!