
Just a quick update.

I’ve been taking creatine for a few years prior to stroke, for muscle growth and recovery. I stopped when I had my stroke as I was paranoid about taking anything at the time.

After a few months I started again as I had seen research to suggest creatine could be useful for your brain. It makes sense; it essentially allows your body to retain more water, water being good for brain health.
I don’t know the scientific ins or outs but that’s how I understand it.

I believe I seen the most progress in my recovery since taking creatine. Whether it’s a placebo or not, I don’t know, but placebo is still a measurable effect!!

I’m not a doctor so please take this at face value. But I believe creatine has helped me in my stroke recovery journey and I’d recommend it to anyone.

  • make sure you drink a lot of water, which you should be anyway, but it’s more important on creatine

Bravo @matt_d13 you are spot on. It’s the muscles that absorb the water. It’s great for muscles. You have stumbled on a great secret. My Radiologist okayed Creatine post stroke for me… so did a lot of other people I asked. Even therapists were converted when I introduced them to it. There’s a pub med paper with very good feedback from post-stroke survivors on Creatine. I take it myself ; you can see searching the site for it

ciao, Roland


Hi Matt I’m Peter from Essex, I was a marathon runner and Triathlete in my other life! In fact the older I get the better I was😂.What I was going to say was that i used Creatine in my training and it certainly helped . I am nearing 3years since a carotid block which needed a stent it had not occurred to me that creatine could off set the fatigue which certainly knocks you for six , you think the harder you work the better it becomes not really the case! It would be good to tell your brain how far we come !


@matt_d13 great to hear you’ve found something that works well for you. Like you say it doesn’t really matter if it is a placebo effect as long as it helps you.

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Hey Matt - Wonderful post and well worth sharing. I am sure I am not alone when I say, I had never even heard of this Creatine (had to watch my fingers as they waltzed across the keyboard :rofl:) and so it is something new I learned from this forum that never stops giving :slight_smile:

It’s great that you are able to recommend this based on personal experience both past and present.

Thank you for sharing and helping this forum go from strength to strength :clap:

Takes care.



Hi Matt A very interesting post. I have never heard of creatine but it sounds very interesting and great that you have found something that works for you.

It’s great that we get to hear about these things from someone who has personal experience of the product. Placebo or not, if it works for you, that’s amazing.

As we all know, there are so many products on the market, claiming all sorts, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to believe, so a personal recommendation is great. I 've been using this forum since my stroke 8 years ago and I’ve learned so much. So thank you everyone and thank you for sharing Matt.

Regards Sue


You’re welcome. I get the gummy type just from Amazon. A recommended dose is 5mg which is two of the gummies per day.

They taste nicer than some sweets I’ve had lol. And it’s easier to take them than it is the powder equivalent.