Confused - TIA after effects


Ive posted a few times before and thanks to everyone for their response.

My partner had a TIA which lasted a few minutes.

My understanding of a TIA was that is doesnt cause any lasting effects.

He has noticed that, along with still being unable to drive on busy roads, he sometimes cant find the word he is looking for whilst talkinf on the phone and, less often, some words comw out ever so slightly slurry.

Any thoughts? His Mri was clear so im consufed as to why this is happening let alone stressed by it.


@Karenemma i think TIAs aren’t meant to have any lasting effects although i’m sure i’ve read many posts that suggest some do have some lingering effects. Fatigue is one thing that can last after a TIA.

His brain has still suffered an event which needs time to recove4. I’ve linked in the Stroke Association leaflet on TIAs which has a section near the end on longer term affects of a TIA.

Hope this helps a bit.



Thanks Ann for your reply :slightly_smiling_face:

Its tricky as we are currently focusing on getting him back to work - occupational health assessment not until end of jan - but now im focussed on these lingering symptoms. Obviously I have no medical clue/training but i would have thought if there was any “damage” it would have shown on the MRI. Which makes me wonder what if it was missed on MRI etc etc

Im just a constant ball of worry at the moment x


Hi Karen,
I don’t have any medical knowledge, I can only reply from my own personal experience. Like your partner, I had a TIA which only lasted a few minutes. This happened on 21 December. At the moment, a few weeks later, I notice that I am also sometimes slow or hesitant with words, or with thoughts. The doctor has told me that I’ll be fit to drive by 21 January, but at the moment I don’t feel confident to do that, even thought I’m an experienced driver.

I’ve also noticed that concentration (e.g. reading my emails, or trying to work) only lasts about 20 minutes and then I’m absolutely exhausted. The fatigue is debilitating, and I used to be a very energetic and active person.

I often give talks and presentations, and I gave one to 100 people on Monday, and it all went really well. I was aware that I couldn’t find the right word a couple of times, but the audience didn’t notice. However, I did feel like my usual self-confidence was missing, and it made me feel emotional.

It is stressful, and so I have been hanging on to the words that I have read in this forum a few times, that my brain is working hard to repair itself and so even if there are no signs of damage on an MRI, it’s still not surprising that the after effects are happening.

Best wishes to you and your partner in his continued recovery.


This an excellent site on fatigue. It explains so much and gives advice on how to manage it - 3 P’s - pace, prioritise and planning.


Merr, you’re right. We must be kind to ourselves and patient. I remember in hospital I asked the nurse something in French (that was dug up from some O level memory.) We laughed till I could say it in English.
Pace is key.

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@mikey903 thank you so much for this link. It explains things really clearly, and I’ve been able to share it with my husband to help him understand why I’ve changed so much

My MRI was also clear and was diagnosed with TIA. But, as my stroke doctor said, they are all strokes regardless of how minor. I had all the FAST signs of stroke, Face, Arms, Speech etc. I’ve never bothered to investigate further, it’s not going to change anything.

It’s been 3yrs now and my recovery is still ongoing. I still have mild Aphasia, trouble with speech especially when tired. The same goes for my right side weakness with my intermittent foot drop.

But a TIA is still an attack on the brain, blood supply was temporarily blocked to the brain. Liken it a stroke being burning a piece of paper and a TIA just singeing/brown the paper. So the brain is still going to take a length of time to heal, for some it may be weeks, some months, some years. I assume it depends on the extent and degree of damage done the time blood supply was cut off. I suppose you could also compare TIA’s to burns on the skin, healing depends on the size and degree of the burn as to whether it will take a couple weeks to heal or years and will there be permanent scaring.


I did recently discover that there is such a thing as DWI-negative acute ischemic stroke…MRI-negative stroke
Stroke syndromes associated with DWI-negative MRI include ataxic hemiparesis and isolated internuclear ophthalmoplegia - PMC.