After consulting with the intelligentsia here at this forum I have moved one space forward along the snakes and ladders board of stroke.
A few days ago I purchased something one of the gurus here referred to as a mood changing machine.
A scooter is what was prescribed. It is a strange little battery driven person carrier. Quite nippy, easy and fun to drive. Now I can get back to visit the world again.
Well I must say it is fun.
I sneaked out before dawn the other day and went for a trundle around the neighbourhood while it was quiet.
It is literally years since I was up close and personal in my own area.
All quiet at the main road. It’ll be a couple more hours before there is movement.
Everything is still here, just as I left it. That defibrillator is new though.
I’ll just sneak down the short cut through this alley.
Everyone’s tucked up warm in bed.
I really enjoyed my little escape. It certainly lifted my spirits.
My next excursion was a visit to the supermarket.
In the day time of course. The excuse was to buy one of their ready assembled pizzas for our evening meal.
Of course that one buy turned into more as we spotted a shoulder of lamb, a collection of tasty bits including cumberland sausage, barbecue ribs, chicken drumsticks, some double gloucester cheese, red leicester, aubergine, sweet potato.
I’m enjoying this too much. I hope they don’t take the keys of my scooter away.
People were really nice, smiles everywhere,
This truly is a good mood machine.
keep on keepin’ on