Bobbi goes Walkabouts

After consulting with the intelligentsia here at this forum I have moved one space forward along the snakes and ladders board of stroke.

A few days ago I purchased something one of the gurus here referred to as a mood changing machine.

A scooter is what was prescribed. It is a strange little battery driven person carrier. Quite nippy, easy and fun to drive. Now I can get back to visit the world again.

Well I must say it is fun.

I sneaked out before dawn the other day and went for a trundle around the neighbourhood while it was quiet.

It is literally years since I was up close and personal in my own area.

All quiet at the main road. It’ll be a couple more hours before there is movement.

Everything is still here, just as I left it. That defibrillator is new though.

I’ll just sneak down the short cut through this alley.

Everyone’s tucked up warm in bed.

I really enjoyed my little escape. It certainly lifted my spirits.

My next excursion was a visit to the supermarket.
In the day time of course. The excuse was to buy one of their ready assembled pizzas for our evening meal.

Of course that one buy turned into more as we spotted a shoulder of lamb, a collection of tasty bits including cumberland sausage, barbecue ribs, chicken drumsticks, some double gloucester cheese, red leicester, aubergine, sweet potato.

I’m enjoying this too much. I hope they don’t take the keys of my scooter away.

People were really nice, smiles everywhere,
This truly is a good mood machine.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:


I too have just bought a similar scooter, but not because of my stroke Ihad in September, I have bad osteoarthritis in both hips, especially my right one, I could have had it replaced if no for the timing of my stroke, so I bought a scooter to ease mobility problems, I must say they do open up new avenues, literally, but you have to be careful on other than flat smooth surfaces , otherwise I think mine could easily be on its side without too much difficulty.


@Bobbi it sounds like you’re having a load of fun on your new machine. They really are a game changer aren’t they.

I was always a but reluctant because i really wanted to get back walking again but a physio I saw (for a frozen shoulder) asked why I hadn’t got one & told me that the benefits would be great. After trying one exactly like yours I took the plunge & I am so glad I did.

I use it when we pop into town and I can now get around & see the shops again and do a little something for myself. My shopping spree consisted of tea, coffee & shower gel so nothing as exciting as yours but the mood booster was great.

@Injebreck99 i know what you mean about uneven surfaces. I was advised to lean the opposite way to the scooter to keep it from tipping on sloping pavements. I did that and managed to stay upright. I am sure there will be a time I tip off but hopefully nothing more than pride will be hurt.

This is me on a little adventure a few months ago.


Ooo, boat trip, sounds like fun. I used to love boats and the water. Not sure I could cope these days. It’s great to get out though isn’t it?

Still, in the midst of all this I made marmalade, so that will do very nicely for now. Shhh, don’t tell the sugar police, my results almost certainly class as contraband.

Talking about scooters, I been wondering about the sort of things you used to put on bicycles. You know, like in the song, a basket, a bell and things to make it look good. Maybe a lamp too. I’ll have to scan the net waves to find out.

keep on keepin’ on


I am cautious where I go in the dark. I find i have to keep an eye out for potholes, unexpected kerbs and dog mess.


There are all sort of challenging areas around here like that, it’s a good idea to go carefully , like you say.

I don’t plan on going out in the dark really. My first adventure was just because I wanted to try it out,and it was quiet so I could take my time.

I’m really glad to have the scooter. I am sure it will get lots of use.

I’m weakened on my right side and get worn out pretty quickly when I walk. I’d love to be able to do what I used to, but it’s a case of making the best of what is left.
I still have life and though there are ups and down I still find it worthwhile and I have a wife who still cares for this old grump.

:writing_hand: :sunglasses: :+1:


Great to hear of your new adventure @Bobbi :slight_smile:

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Well thank you @Anna_Moderator You will know by now that I’m always up for a challenge.

Wolverhampton University are working on a creative writing program for those with brain injury and stroke. I was involved in testing a pilot version over the weekend.

You might have noticed that I am keen on communication in relation to my predicament. Over the last three years I have been a regular contributor on this forum. There are a number of us who share our experiences and hopefully inspire those who visit here.

I believe there is much more to us than a bag of symptoms and a load of restrictions. Over and above what we can’t do there is a raft of abilities both new and old with which we can brighten up the world.

We all have problems, difficulties and down times but by encouraging and sharing with our peers we can make the world a better place.

Did I mention that this forum can be an excellent place to put up a soap box and rant on one’s fave subject?

I believe that the Creative Writing Workshop is planned to go live towards the end of this year. I’m very interested in taking part.

We are not alone and each of us in our small way can make the world better place. Just a grin can end up like a ripple encircling the whole world and giving it a hug.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:


Keep us posted on the creative writing workshop @Bobbi. I’m sure there are people on here who would be interested to hear all about it.

You’re right, this platform is a great place to talk about your fave subjects and I hope that you and everyone else will continue to do so. :slight_smile:


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@Bobbi we didn’t have time for the boat trip. Maybe next time. I quite like a boat trip too.

I’ll not tell anyone about the marmalade honest :joy::joy::joy: sugar police? who are they ? :thinking::thinking::grin::grin:

Thar creative writing progran sounds perfect for you. I look forward to hearing more.


Hi Bobbi,

This is my one - sturdier than yours and much less likely to tip over, but no way would it fold up and fit in a car! But I can go in the supermarket with it - they have bollards in there to stop you crashing into things - but I’ve only been a couple of times as it’s still tricky, and you don’t want to go when it’s really busy.

Have fun, and avoid pot-holes and cracked pavements! :slightly_smiling_face:


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That looks proper posh, Jean, a Rolls Royce of a scooter.
Very comfortable with places to put things. Headlights and mirrors too.

I picked mine because of its size. It is called the Minimus. Hilary and I can lift it between us but because I can only lift with one arm I can’t manage it solo. It is one of the lighter machines but at 18Kg or 40 pounds it is only just manageable. The lack of a basket is also a disadvantage but I’ll put up with all this because it gives me that chance to get out in the world again.

Overcoming the restriction that being disabled imposes is a daily task. For three years my world has been the window that my laptop provides and the kitchen where I play with recipes and ingredients to feed us. Writing, reading, communicating and sharing has also kept me occupied. I feel the need to be pro-active and to discover ways to engage with life.

It is good to be able to share our experiences too. In this way we make our experience richer and we grow in ways we never imagined.

The first thing we discover is that we are not alone. Others are in similar situations finding their way through this oh so different landscape. By communicating we support and encourage one another.


I published a copy of the first post of this thread on Medium.

It will be there to be read any time on my Bobbi Blog

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:


@Bobbi - mine was 2nd hand (with only a few dings…) People buy them new, use them a few times, then the novelty wears off (or they die) and the 2nd hand market is flooded with the things - which makes them very cheap to buy here. But it goes well - and I never have to worry about petrol any more!

Your one is great though, because it will go in the car and then in the shops too. I should think you could even use it in the house as well, if you wanted to.

Might be hard to drive over the front steps though!

Cheers, Jean


Have found you on Medium after signing up for free membership.
Lots of interesting stuff on there


I put new stuff up every now and again. I’m made up if it gets some interest and applause. Thanks for commenting here.

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