Good to know will be incorporating the feet together, eyes closed in my routine.
For everyone’s information, as a reminder, I do half hour gym once a week, and one hour with my osteopath who has a vast knowledge, he got a teen in a wheelchair with Cerebal Palsy who had never ever taken a step walking. He knows lots of people in various professions, on Saturday he told me he had spent an hour with a neurosurgeon and he spoke to him about me and my treatment. When I go to him a therapist massages my foot, and leg muscles and he massages my arm and shoulder along with using tens ems.
The surgeon told him he was doing exactly the right thing and went on to explain what happens to the nerves if not stimulated, I also have a neurophys iotherapist coming to assess me in February, private unfortunately, but needs must.
I don’t have dizziness or anything like that, just feel unsteady when walking with stick. Practise practise.
So much to think about, keep coming with your stories everyone, and very best wishes.
A mini balance workout.
You can do multiple times as day whenever/wherever you happen to be standing still, waiting: Just stand upright with your eyes closed for as long as you can.
As your body unbalances itself just keep correcting it with your eyes closed.
Doing this whilst standing on one leg is a lot more challenging though
Stroke Improvement Group
I can’t even manage 10 seconds with eyes shut and on one leg. It’s truly challenging, but good for you
Yes, eyes shut whilst standing on one leg is a lot more challenging that’s for sure
Balancing on one leg whilst turning your head side to side is another. Then doing that whilst also trying to have a conversation is even more of a challenge. I suppose the ultimate challenge would be to do the above with eyes closed, I certainly haven’t tried that yet
Stroke Improvement Group
That sounds so like Javeno McLean from J7 gym in Manchester.
I follow him on tiktok because he has so much energy, passion, drive and enthusiasm. Just the other day I watched one where he was walking to young people, both with Cerebral palsy. He also works with stroke survivors and other disabilities, he’s even got a free class for the elderly I believe But what he achieves with his clients just brings tears to my eyes
Stroke Improvement Group
How long can you manage on one leg, turning your head from side to side with eyes closed? I can only do a couple of seconds!!
I can last to a count of 30 with eyes open, in ballet slipper and carpet under foot.
On a hard surface and in trainers or in bare feet, I can stand for over a minute on one leg, until my leg aches basically.
With my eyes closed I can just about make it a count of 10-15…I’m easily distracted
And if I moved my head around its about count of 3 That’s my current work in progress, and its not easy is it
Yes you wobble a lot, that’s good because you’re working all the muscles in your leg.
Foot wear and the surface you’re standing on also influence balance and stability.
You keep the knee soft, don’t lock it out. And you sort tip your pelvis forward and sort of perch on your hip/thigh bone. That’s the best way I can explain how I do it There is a knack and once you realise it, you never forget.
I first learnt it in yoga years ago, naturally one of the poses for meditation was to make like a tree

Stroke Improvement Group
Much the same as myself then! A bit longer with eyes closed. It’s tough! I’ve started standing on a foam pad to make it a bit more challenging