
Oh gosh, can anyone throw any light on issues with balance. I was doing so well, but has regressed over last week, feel quite unsteady, I do quite a bit of furniture/wall walking indoors and around my small kitchen, just don’t feel safe anymore :frowning:


Practice. If you are unsteady walking then try sitting to standing exercises. This will help to train your brain to adjust to sudden changes in posture.


Tough one, Annie

I could try to help, but would need a bit more background, and recent symptoms to go on. Have you had any recent numbness or swelling, for example? Without any clues, it could be vestibular, or lack of proprioception, but since it’s taken a turn for the worse there could well be a reason.

ciao, Roland


Have you been over doing things? When I say over doing that may be significantly less than pre stroke but that may affect your balance. As @Janetb says maybe try sit to stands to help stabilise you.

I found initially my balance was very up & down and it was just a case of time.

If you are worried speak to your dr.

Best wishes



Head manipulation for labyrinthitis, balance issues, this could be a possibility. Have you had that investigated, if not then talk to doctor.
My mother-in-law did have labyrinthitis and her doctor did this manipulation for her, but it did take months to settle down completely.

Also vitamin B12 deficiency can cause balance issues, have you had your bloods checked recently?

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Hi @Annie1 ,

I would suggest you get your GP to request blood tests for things that might affect balance as you say you doing well and have regressed over last week.

As per @EmeraldEyes , B12 deficiency may cause balance issues and also low Sodium levels.

I noted in one of my recent hospital visits, the hospital had a program that targeted elderly patients (I am not saying you are elderly :slight_smile: ) as falls and trips are potential problems after age 65 and upwards.



Thanks Pando, I am now using a stick after tripod, so not so much stability, I need to do lots of walking outside according to physio to gain confidence. I feel I am using the stick too much as a crutch, need to wean myself off that technique. Also my foot drop is still a problem, so my foot tends to swing out as I take a step forward.


Thanks Ann, yes over doing is a tricky one as you attempt to do something different or over think something and this can tire you and lead to a regression, as you say and I am finding it comes back to patience and time.


Thanks Em, indeed things to consider.

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Yes I will get done as missed appt in November I got the time wrong and they wouldn’t do it.

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If it is a vestibular thing (symptoms feel like being on a rocking boat), you can look up vestibular rehab exercises on YouTube. This really helped me.

It’s a horrific symptom so hopefully you get relief soon

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Okay Annie,

I recognize the foot swinging out, foot drop, lack of stability (having gone / still going through those things myself). The quick test for proprioception is stand feet together, eyes closed… can you stand for a minute like that ? 2 ? 3 minutes ? 1 year ago I couldn’t manage 3 seconds, now I can do 3 minutes. Careful not to fall over while doing the test !!

If you fare badly at this test, then report back, and I’ll know for sure what we’re dealing with. Good luck, Roland


I agree with the others. See your GP first, in case it is something medical (I had Nystagmus a few weeks after my stroke, but it went away). I too have dropped foot, but it has improved with exercise. My walking is still slow though and I still use a stick if out walking, because the ground is uneven. There are heaps of balance exercises online. Have a look at “Rehab HQ” on YouTube. There are balance exercises for all abilities.


Nice plan Roland @pando

One thing that might help Annie @Annie1 when she does your test of standing with her eyes closed is if she stands next to something that can be used as a support in case she falls. Maybe stand next to a chair or a cabinet or even a wall?

It may prevent an unnecessary fall or accident :slight_smile: .

Annie, your GP not doing the blood test in November because of a missed appointment is a bit naughty, but these things do happen.

Takes care


Just what I (possibly we?) need to challenge my proprioceptors. Otherwise they go to sleep; like this I wake them up and they say “Whoa, need to wake up and do some work around here!” Can you hear them ? It’s not a joke; a Radiologist taught me this point of view.

ciao, Roland

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In my case, it’s not just the foot that lets me down on occasions. My hip flexors take a long time to warm up, as do the muscles behind my knee. They do get going eventually, usually after about 10 minutes of walking. On a treadmill I can pick up a fair pace, but once I stop walking everything goes back to the beginning again (almost). My leg does bend more than before, so things are looking up, but the cold weather definitely isn’t my friend!


I too had issues with balance following a stroke 14 years ago.
It has improved over time as the body re-learns to adapt.
There are ways to adapt and improve your safety.
Helpful to lean against a wall ,or sit down,when putting on trousers as balancing on one leg still a bit tricky.
Also holding handrail when using stairs or getting out of the bath.
Best wishes


You have to remind your GP surgery that you’ve had a stroke, you have many impairments including poor short term memory. Missing an appointment certainly wasn’t intentional or being inconsiderate. Unfortunately these things happen. The solution is have them send reminders to your phone. I usually get them a week before an appointment and the day before the appointment. This is for both the doctors and the dentist, even my hair dresser does this. In fact both my dentist and my hairdresser phone me on the day, a couple hours before I’m due.

I don’t need this so much these days as memory has improved a lot but they all still keep sending me reminders. It was certainly a godsend in the early days post stroke as I missed several appointments, especially those made weeks/months in advance. And its no great hardship for them to it in their system as it is all automated anyway.



Excellent advice @EmeraldEyes - I was so disappointed by the way Annie was treated for missing the appointment. Very naughty of the GP practice if you ask me.

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Very Inconsiderate and lack of understanding considering @Annie1 's condition, think the receptionists could do with a little refresher :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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