This guy will tell you all you need to know about balance. I particularly like these because balancing gets all your muscles working at once just to keep you upright 
The beauty about balancing is you can do it anywhere. While you are queuing at the supermarket tills you can just stand one foot on top of the other or against the opposite ankle and just stand, the swap round and you’ve got your trolley for support. This is a very useful exercise that you take anywhere and everywhere, any time day or night! While standing at the cooker, washing up, waiting for the bus, etc. etc.
Just another balance video clip I want to pop in here 
Wow thank you so much these will be really helpful in trying to gain some balance back I’ll give them ago now 

I do hope they help you as they have indeed helped me through my recovery.
In my 2½ years of recovery I’ve gone from walking holding on to walls, furniture, hubby
to walking relatively normally once again. I say relatively because I still have foot drop. I go to a Strength and Balance class once a week also, run by AgeUK. You should look them up as they may have one near you. In fact, I discovered the other day that I can now walk backward in a straight line without losing balance.
I don’t why you shouldn’t recover nicely too with daily practice 
Hi, this is very helpful. As you say, can also do them anywhere and you don’t need someone to assist. I always stand on one leg (my affected side of course) whilst queueing at the till in Tesco, with the security of having the trolley if you need it.
I’m always keen to do any exercise that I can do without assistance from anyone else. My physio gave me an exercise band that I place under my good foot and have a good stretch with my good arm. Great for exercising core muscles.
Thanks for sharing.
Regards Sue
That’s so encouraging to know and I’ll defo try to find out about if there any classes near me that I can attend once I can drive again. Thank you this has made me feel a lot better❤️
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It took a year to get my driving license back, and even then I would only drive with my hubby beside me 'til I regained my confidence. That took a couple months more 
This place is good is a good place for making you feel less cut, isolated from the life we used to know so well. It builds our confidence, lifts us up and gives us hope for futures. All is not lost and its a damn shame that the medical world have left you this way.
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Thank you think this may be me. Covid made me lose lot of confidence and only really ok on familiar routes so I won’t be rushing back
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Hi Simon I’m doing them on recommendation from neuro thank you. They horrid:joy:
This looks excellent! Thanks for sharing!
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