Bad taste

Hello JanM,

Taste buds do change. The guys are right, mixture of stroke and drugs. Drink lots of water, as your base. I’ve gone off tea. Hospital food is not brill. Can anyone bring some more interesting food in for you? Chocolate is good…I lost 10kg when I was in hospital. Make sure you do eat something and drink. Healing takes time in many ways. A stroke takes a lot of things from us, don’t be surprised. Managing our recovery is important and you will find your own special way, we all do. So don’t despair, you’ll get there. :+1:



I had the mucus issue or a few weeks shortly after my stroke, and the problem with taste, coffee black tea green tea all tasted disgusting, then not so bad for a while, then lousy again, think its the taste buds shot to bits, love my coffee, so going to try again, this afternoon, but know it will finish up down the sink, think the mucus issue will sot itself out fairly soon meanwhile keep up with the gargling to shift it as suggested. but definately caused by the stroke.



Hi Christine my ears have felt blocked since my stroke, the left one more so, going to have them looke at soon, as always made a lot of earwax, so need to find out what the cause is , driving me potty my wife as well



Really interesting reading this thread, I’m almost 1 yr post stroke and this last week have been experiencing the same things, metallic taste, lump in back of throat, and running nose on one side, thanks for sharing this, it’s good to know others have experienced the same and its a zide effect.


Because it came on a year after your stroke, I think it you should treat it as new symptom and not necessarily stroke related.

Your symptoms could be, Hay fever, sinus related, dental, new medication perhaps.

Maybe try taking a hay fever tablet if you can to see if that clears it up any. And in fact, for anyone else who suffers things like runny nose, hay fever tablets were another one that helped me. I just remembered that was a new issue post stroke I’d never suffered from before.

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I had the same after stroke
had to see imperial hearing every 3 months, except this time I have lasted 6 months… pre-stroke it was once a year


I have had runny nose (good side as I write) almost every day since stroke 1 yr 7 months ago. All I do is take supplements and Vit C


will let you know when my ears have been looked at
Hope it is wax



It’s emerging as common - wonder if it’s in the literature? Time for a review of research papers!!


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Hi Simon,

my Chinese Dr. points our that I only have a sniffing / running nose early morning or late evening. Once the body activates for the day, and the body temperature rises naturally, I then rarely sniff. He says it’s normal; everybody has such a pattern. But I don’t think I ever had anything as persistent and acute pre-stroke. I rate it low priority in the big picture, but would love to know what’s going on

ciao, Roland


It appears that there are, in fact, quite a number of us snifflers and snufflers with runny noses.

If we were to form a group, or a band, we would likely wield great political power.

All we need is our own gruppen fuhrer and the world will become ours, friends.

‘All done in the best possible taste,’ of course, as the late great Kenny Everret would have said.

. . . or it might be that my wife feels she has put up with me for long enough and it is the cyanide/strychnine mix in my bedtime drink that I can taste.

Was that a scream, I heard coming up, from the cellar?


Hello Jan, are you on statins? I’m probably guilty of blaming them for everything but I do think they can cause the sensation of mucous in the throat.

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Yes I was put on statins, 40mg, not happy with being on them. I stopped taking them two weeks back, mainly because of weakness in my legs, but have noticed no change in the mucous department.

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Sometimes it takes longer than a couple of weeks to notice a difference. I was put on 20g to start with because I couldn’t take other brands before. Seemed OK so they doubled my dose. Tried to persevere but I felt worse each day. I went back to 20g after 2 weeks but I feel this is now effecting me. I can’t stand taking them they make me feel old. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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