Back to work

I just got my call and approval from works Occupational Health doctor. He has approved me to start back to work.
I feel this is a massive win and a positive step in my recovery! Excited to resume life again to be honest.

I no longer really get fatigued so I’m not worried about that. And my job is 90% from home.

That’s great news. I hope your return to work goes really well.

If I can offer some advice from my own experience don’t under estimate how tired you might be on your return. Even working from home. If you can do a phased return then it will be worth it. Also take regular breaks throughout the day.

Good luck. A big step forward in your recovery.


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Amazing news, great to hear this. Keep us posted on how you get on. :slight_smile:


been back to work 4 years now and still get fatigued in meetings is the worse, at my desk and even at home after a good nights sleep. Bloody annoying

It’s like you can be fine most of the time, but then one long session and you’re wiped. Have you found anything that helps a bit with staying energized during those times, or is it just something you power through?

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@drave030 just popping by to say hi & welcome to the community.

I try & manage my meeting fatigue by minimising how many i have in a day with spaces between to allow a break. Not always possible but try as often as I can. I also ask for breaks in longer meetings. Everyone I work with is aware of my symptoms abd I find they are mainly sympathetic to my needs.

Best wishes


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I try to do the same, spacing meetings out and taking breaks, but it’s not always easy to stick to, especially when the schedule gets packed.


So I started back on Monday (phased, so part time this week). At home Monday, office Tuesday, home today.

Honestly feel fine! Though I’ve got the cold going about here at the minute so my throat is in bits, I generally don’t feel any different in terms of stroke/fatigue.

Nice to be back tho I’m sure the novelty will soon wear off!

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Sounds like it’s all going well @matt_d13. That’s really great to hear.

The novelty does wear off :rofl: although I find since my stroke I moan less about having yo work. Probably because, at one point, I didn’t think I’d be able to return.

Well done on getting back to it.



I am returning (phased) to work tomorrow, I will initially work 50% for 2 weeks and then 75% for 2, though the idea of getting back to it doesn’t phase me, one thing I have been struggling with is a VERY short temper, I have explained this to my manager and he has promised to leave me to get on at my own pace and will check in with me regularly, I still have the Rheumatology appt to look forward to and, sometime in the distant future, a Cardiologist appt too, to be fair my employer has been brilliant throughout all of this and I am looking forward to seeing some of my customers (but not telling the story over and over!)

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@RustyJames good luck with your return to work. I hope it goes really well. Take things slowly & ease yourself back in gently. Take regular breaks throughout the day.

Good to hear your employer is being supportive.

Best wishes


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How long were you off for? I remember you saying you had a TIA last July, hopefully you’ve felt ok?

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Update from me

I’m back full time, in the office one day a week (sometimes two if needed).
I’m enjoying it. Hate to say it but the stroke has had some positives in me and my partners life. I feel a hell of a lot more grateful, even for being able to go to work

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Sounds like you’re getting on well being back at work.

I too can say that my stroke has had some positives & like you I feel so much more grateful for even the small things.


Thank you, thankfully OH were great and came up with a good plan that allows me to take regular breaks, as I mentioned originally I’ve been a postie for nearly 20 years so it will take some getting back into


That’s right, I had the TIA in July and initially I just seemed to have bouts of dizziness and nausea and I thought I would come out the other end quickly,but then I declined with fatigue and I had days when getting out of bed was tricky but then sometimes I could go 4 or 5 nights when I just couldn’t sleep and I was anxious about it happening again, but this gave way to and to some extent still has a very short temper, I know I over react and I know it’s irrational, so I just have to take time out, and the question over my heart issue is still a slight concern


Proof that a TIA isn’t just a 24 hour period

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The initial episode seemed to last around a day or so, but the period afterwards was a series of steps forward then back and I’m unsure about what comes next but I know I have to make changes