Back behind the wheel

just wanted to note a milestone  

after a year of retraining to drive using an adapted car I finally managed to get the resources together to adapt my own car so I can drive, operating everything with my right hand as my left side is affected and left hand is not functional. so this week I  drove my own car for the first time in three years. only a short trip around local roads, in traffic and some dodgy roundabouts to negotiate. I had a friend accompany me but I drove the last part entirely solo, so I count today as a breakthrough day. I have more to do before I will feel fully confident. but it took three years to get to today. I am exhausted now. but happily so. I am now hoping that I can take my family out for some days out, my goodness they deserve it, especially my wife, who badly needs a holiday. heres to all you carers out there. you are our superheroes!

in triumph, well er Renault actually! 


Well done Tony! Yes, our carers are magnificent, especially having to cope with us at our worst. Every small step is one step forward. You must be very pleased with your achievement. Next step is a tour round Britain!

Tony that’s fabulous news I’m so pleased for you. You’ve got some independence back and that’s going to make such a difference to you. Good luck for the future.


Excellent news, Tony. What an achievement! V&J 


I have my eyes e the north coast 500, a new route around the North Coast of Scotland. maybe one day


many thanks An


hope it can be some encouragement to those struggling with the long haul of recovery. things can and do change, just not quickly! 

Well done Tony!!!!! Will let dad know as will give him a boast he needs.

yes laugh


things can and do change, just not quickly. recovery is long haul  I remember when I was in hospital and had to be taken in an ambulance to another site for yet another assessment. I was watching the road in amazement that anyone could drive. I was so far from the starting grid then. Good to remember how much has changed.  sometimes it seems like very little has. and also what a life changing event a stroke is. it really turns your world upside down. 

 we keep struggling on and it is nice to have a victory from time to time this was a big one and as before I could not have done it without the endless support from my wife and my friends, who week after week drove me to the  driveability centre. my wife more than anyone bearing the emotional strain of the crisis when the stroke first happened and the seemingly endless weeks when nothing much changed. st I hope my story will be encouraging to those who are struggling with the long haul, both carers and survivors 

best wishes 


Fantastic news, I was horrified when they told me I couldn't drive (even though I literally couldn't). I well remember that first journey when I was cleared, all of a few miles and exhausted but proud at the end.

Good luck with your next milestone!

yes do 

it was a long haul both for me and my wife and my friend who week after week drove me to the driveability centre. I could not have done it without the support from my wife and friends, especially my wife who carried the emotional strain of the initial crisis when I first had the stroke and the seemingly endless weeks when nothing much improved. it is a long haul for both carers and survivors. it is not easy but with the love of others things can change. 

go get em Dad


Why not! If your wife can drive as well you can share the adventure. ???

many thanks 

and to you also 


I am just beginning to learn to drive again 4 years post-stroke. I managed to regain some function in my right dominant side in the first 2 years - and my plan was to fight until I had enough function back I would be able to use an unmodified automatic car. I had steadily improved through those first 2 years and I hoped ( against all warnings to the contrary ) that the progress would continue. I first taught myself to speak and read with my iPhone, then able to, after countless hours and encouragement from my WONDERFUL physios, walk with a stick. But my lower right arm and hand are still not playing so I decided to give in and get my car modified for 1 hand operation. I'm 75 now and decided that if I didn't accept that I had a problem I'd likely die of old age before I got behind the wheel again. I look forward to the open road. My mobility scooter is a poor substitute although it was good to feel the wind in my hair ( singular!).

I am 60 and 3 years ago I had a stoke and they stoped me from driving with lose of field of vision, I feel I could drive and have done so on private roads I have no problems with mobility which his good, It’s just letting the DVLA to take a test ect under supervision.


I had my stroke in September and informed the DVLA. They contacted my GP who ran a rest and responded to DVLA questions. In December the wrote to me saying I could drive.

The law states it is an offence to drive with a known medical condition which affects your driving. 

I suggest you contact DVLA and discuss it with your GP


Well done Tony.

This is lovely and has made me smile, well done to you your truly amazing x

Great Story Tony!

How are You finding 'dealing with' traffic etc.? I found that in general I was fine as I 'remembered 'how' to drive but what I did find was that I now prefer a very quiet car, to reduce the distractionsand the 'cognitive loading' and then there is the 'fatigue'. But I have been back driving an adapted car for more than a year now and have found that it does get 'easier'.




dealing with traffic has not been as difficult as I had thought it would be  I have to tell any passengers to stop talking to me when I get to a busy junction or change lanes. mostly it is ok. but I need a quiet car. fatigue is a barrier and I have tested myself a few times to check what level of fatigue I can cope with. there are days when I won't risk it. no point in that.  I had some top tuition when relearning so much more confident in busy conditions  went out in the dark and rain the other evening. a bit challenging but I think i can cope with any conditions now. I don't like having to drive one handed. but thats my life now  for now anyway. I am still working on recovery for my left hand and arm  which are non functional. I remain hopeful if frustrated frequently. 

re driving  the biggest challenge is parking even with blue badge.   tricky to find places where I don't end up having to walk further than is comfortable. I can walk ok with a stick but it is still very laboured and tiring. if I have a companion I take my wheelchair. it all helps. 

happy motoring


thank you 

big news is I was able to take my son to see Captain Marvel recently. we share an interest in Marvel movies. don't ask me why. Next up is the Avengers blockbuster. for me it is all about recovering a role in the family which the stroke deprived me of. for an active man this has been really hard to come to terms with. my biggest issue now is fatigue. which is just depressing  theres a lot of grief to deal with as a survivor.  because your role changes, al your expectations are overturned. you don't quite know how much has changed until you have lived with it for a while. trying to make a new life as a disabled person is not what I expected to be doing.   I get fed up with working towards goals, cos I just want to live. doing the movie trips with my boy was a really normalising thing to do. 

I hope things are beginning to settle down for you.  it is a long and frustrating road ahead. 

best wishes and thanks for replying. it is always nice to get a bit of contact 
