Approaching 1 year post TIA

Hi all,

Well we successfully had our holiday in Turkey in August nd it really was lovely. All that worrying before we went unnecessarily, i even managed to almost forget about my partners TIA!

As we are coming into autumn and approaching the first year “anniversary”, I feel like my worries about him having another event have heightened. I also have activated my Facebook account and, a long while back, had joined many TIA “groups” and it seems many have had reoccurrences along the way.
Im guessing i should exit these groups, also not sure of the authenticity of the groups and posts.

My partner will be having his yearly blood test in the next few months which i hope will reassure me (he isn’t concerned) and then a repeat MRI due to a incidental finding of a small colloid cyst which they say was unrelated.

I feel like i was managing my worry well, its just the last few weeks its risen again and im aware of it.

I think i will have to pick up my mindfulness again and perhaps CBT. Not sure if anyone has tried that.

Sorry to sound like a broken record on repeat. Take care all.


It’s good to forget, for both of you, but it will never completely leave your mind. You should however be able to push it back into the back of your mind with a little more ease along with your mindfulness/CBT practices.

By joining/reactivating so many stroke sites is that you are actually feeding your fear and paranoia. If that is the case then I suggest you shut them all down. Maybe keep one active for the odd query now and again or off load worries as you are now. They will all still be there if you ever need them again.

Maybe you need to take a leaf out of your partner’s book, he’s not worried. I think he’s got the right attitude because it’s beneficial to his recovery when he’s relaxed. The brain does its best recovery when its not stuck in fight or flight mode; frees up the mind for more important things like recovery.

You have a pimple, you google it, its what you thought just an acne spot. You don’t keep googling 'til you find cancer and you could be dead in three weeks. That just feeds the fear, meanwhile the spot was just an acne spot and was gone in three days.

Keep you mind too busy with things until you forget again :wink: Works for and keeps me nice and active :blush:

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Hi @Karenemma

Glad you had a good time :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t be surprised if your experiencing a little PTSD - Mindfulness, CBT, Concilling may all help

Maybe ask the GP?


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@Karenemma good to hear you had a great holiday and thar you managed to forget your worries for that time.

I agree with @EmeraldEyes that if the Facebook groups are feeding your anxiety & stopping you moving on you should leave the groups. Don’t forget most of the people who post in these groups usually post the negatives so we naturally think that will be the case for all of us. Thats just not the case. Some people do have multiple TIAs. The vast majority don’t.

If your worries are becoming overwhelming maybe speak to your GP about it. Mindfulness, CBT & distraction are also good ways of helping with anxiety.

The first anniversary is usually a difficult time. Once you’re past it hopefully your anxieties will settle again.

Best wishes


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i had my first anniversary ,just past i decided against facebook groups ,that way only trouble lies , got the impression of attention seekers ,just keep ploddding on

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