Anyone have any thoughts on this?


There are a number of electrical devices which interact with the vagus nerve, Trace. I am a total fan of the vagus nerve, mainly interacting with it during my qigong meditation. 80% of the vagus nerve is afferent, and only 20% works the other way around, but I am in touch with it in a big way, and it’s a whole new universe to explore. Access is through breathing / then the 5 yin organs ; lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen. I cannot access my spleen yet, but I can make my tummy gurgle / digest at night by using meditation that helps lower the Chi (Qi) down towards the belly button (lower dantian) ; more accurately our centre of gravity. I wish I had learnt this 20 years ago!!

I recommend any and all research about the vagus nerve. Good luck, Roland


That sounds fascinating! I shall certainly be looking into it.


I haven’t heard of this before but it sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Regards Sue


I too have never heard of it but would be intetested to hear how you get on with it if you do go for it.

I notice it says about lowering your heart rate. This would be a concern for me as my resting heart rate is already low and wouldn’t want to lower any more so would definitely be interested in the affect on your heart rate.


Thanks @SimonInEdinburgh
I’m thinking about it but will investigate more deeply. It’s a lot of money to fork out for something that might not work. If I decide to go ahead, I’ll let you all know😊



If I go ahead, I’ll let you all know @Mrs5K :blush:



Another story Trace,

I had been working on Chinese Qigong / meditation for a year, and certainly realized the vagus nerve was responsible for sending signals to and from the brain. This is thanks to the fact that I had read 50% Western medicine & health books; and 50% Eastern methods, such Qigong, Tai Chi etc. So I was on my treadmill and decided to do an experiment; after a few minutes my pulse was close to 130 and I decided to do an intense meditation, and take control of my heart; when I opened my eyes I couldn’t believe it; the treadmill monitor plummeted 125 / 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 quickly, far quicker than anything I had ever seen before! In fact I stopped because I got scared and thought it would never stop descending. That was concrete external proof that my meditation was working… I had a feeling it was, but this really confirmed that I had control of my heart. I have never seen this rapid descent since, but if I had good focus I’m sure I could repeat the stint, if I wanted to.

No point to the story; just to say that the vagus nerve has tremendous power… power even to do harm, if misused !!

Good luck, ciao, Roland


That’s an encouraging story, Roland! I can bring my BP down a lot with deep breathing. One day, some years ago, I had an excruciating headache and as an experiment, thought I’d do a stint on my cross trainer to see if I could shift it. It took about half an hour but it worked!



What I have learned is down to necessity, Simon. We all have 20% of our vagus nerve available to us to use as we please. The access I have is down to hard study and meditation everyday for 2 years. Having said that, I’m nobody special, with no particular skill. My curiosity is very high though.



Well, at £600 a pop, I’d probably err toward the natural stimulation as suggested by Roland, but I did a quick glance around the NHS pages and it seems to be part of their tech program being used to treat epilepsy, depression and cluster headaches. So, who knows, we might be able to get referrals from GPs in the near future but for myself, I would need to ask what I would be using it for. I think, generally, stimulating the brain and body is fine but if it isn’t addressing a specific symptom, then it may be time spent hunting ghosts.


I emailed Nurosym. Here’s their reply:

But I’ve got a feeling the reply might be AI generated🤔

Still thinking about it. Could be worth a try, especially with the 30day refund guarantee. Will ask my physio on Friday if she knows anything about it or has any thoughts.



Hi guys are the following standard meds for stroke victims:
Cerebrolysin which I receive intravenous every 8 hours from a nurse this finishes in a week
Atorvastatin 80mg
Clopidogrel 75mg
Telmisartan 40 mg
I have a consultation today and will discuss my medication requirements
I will glad when my IV medication finishes
Hope everyone has a great weekend

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Many thanks Simon,had a good day yesterday. Had good feedback from my consultant today,promising balance seems a lot better I can walk upstairs down is a bit slow

Me and my wife just came in from morning walk,from last night improving well almost walking unaided,almost got my left had fully back x

Had scrambled eggs and hienz baked beans for breakfast reminded me of UK
Have a great weekend,may surprise you soon x


Good to hear you’re progressing well. Keep up the good work- it must be encouraging to get good reports from the consultant too.

My breakfast was poached eggs today…courtesy of hubby :grin:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend & look forward to hearing of more progress soon.


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Thankyou Ann,have a great week


I understand your advice I will keep some emotional stability back for bad days.
I am concentrating on fine motor skills for my weak left hand and balance exercises to continue walking confidence

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Thanks @SimonInEdinburgh . I’ve had a quick look - the nearest treatment centre to me would be London and that’s still a fair distance away but I’ll explore more this coming week. According to my new Neuro therapist, I’ve got two things going on with the arm : tight muscles shoulder and forearm and the expected neurological stuff that, for me, is the more difficult problem. Numbness has worsened all down the stroke side since the last two therapy sessions but I don’t see that necessarily as a negative because some work was done on my tight hip which has greatly improved blood flow to my feet (no more blue toes when I first get up in the morning). I remember @pando mentioning something about numbness a while back and hopefully he’ll see this and have some words of encouragement for me😊.My therapist also thinks it’s possible that the increased tingling in the arm and hand might be due to trapped nerves.
The stroke arm is almost equal in strength to the unaffected arm fortunately but the tightness/heaviness is very uncomfortable, especially coupled with the tingling that sometimes feels like an electric current passing through. So it may well be worth investigating TRICEPS as there may be some help available. Don’t ask, don’t get.



Thanks @SimonInEdinburgh .

I’ve registered my interest in the TRICEPS trial and heard back by email the following day. I had to answer a number of questions and am now waiting for a response. To be honest, I doubt I’ll qualify as my arm function is really pretty good but there’s no harm in trying. I hope others on here will give it a go.

These are the questions I was asked:

“To assess whether you could be potentially eligible for the trial, please can you answer the below questions. Please feel free to respond with a Y (Yes) and N (No).

1. Do you still have arm weakness following a stroke that occurred between 6 months and 10 years ago?

2. If ‘yes’ to question 1, can you move your weak arm at all?

3. Do you have some movement of the wrist and fingers?

4. Are you able to extend one or more fingers? Are you able to extend your wrist?

5. Was the stroke ischaemic?

6. Are you over the age of 18 years?

7. Do you have a pacemaker, cochlear implant or any other similar devices fitted?

8. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the TVNS device, a device that may improve arm movement following a stroke. You will be asked to wear an earpiece, wristwatch and stimulator whilst you do some home based self-delivered therapy for 1 hour, 5 times a week and possibly some other daily activities for up to 8 hours on your therapy days. This will be over 12 weeks. Are you still happy to proceed?

9. If you join the study, the therapy will last 12 weeks and your overall participation will last for 6 months. You will need to attend the hospital for at least 3 appointments during that time. Are you able to commit to this?

10. Are you participating in any other interventional rehabilitation research trials at present?

11. Are you currently receiving any other therapy or treatment to improve your arm function?

12. If ‘yes’ to question 10, are you willing to stop this therapy or treatment for 6 months whilst you are in the trial?

13. Are you currently receiving any treatment for stiffness of the arm e.g Botox into your arm? (If ‘yes’ we will need to re-contact at 3 months after their last injection)

14. If you are of child-bearing potential, are you currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant?

Please note that the above questions can only give an indication of eligibility. Further assessment from a clinical member is required to confirm whether or not you may be recruited to the trial.

May I also ask where you are located? This will help us to identify the most appropriate site for you, should you be recruited to the trial.

Once you have completed the above questions and emailed your responses, we will be in contact with you.”


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I think the nearest place to Edinburgh where they’re recruiting for the trial is South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS.


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