Another Christmas done, couldn’t eat my food that which I didn’t spill on the floor, couldn’t face pudding, took pain killers and fell asleep to top off one of the most miserable days in recent times last year was better at least I dreamed of recovering now the reality of be as I am for the remaining Time I have left is very disappointing.
Sorry to be so negative but no chink of light in my tunnel of never ending pain and discomfort
Carries on into another year with no end in sight my brain stil reluctantly holding back any notable changes that would see me better, I guess it will take a great many years to get where I want to be hopefully I live long enough to get there
Finally got neuropathic pain medication to help my left side so improved somewhat.
Thanks Ann a pain clinic was discussed will discuss with my GP, wish I would get a part of me operating better, it would confirm my faith and the possibility of recovery, approaching the start of year 2 in January makes me feel so stuck in this state.
Thanks Ann, I’m not the best person at positivity so best to ignore me, I know I’m making progress it’s just I’m very impatient to be operational again feel I’m missing so much by being so disabled and vulnerable, it doesn’t sit well with me I’m afraid
I too am a little impatient although i am getting more patient. Half the battle is accepting how we are & trying to make the best of that whilst still pushing forward to make progress. My walking is very limited and not really what you’d call walking but it gets me about so am trying to learn to ignore how it makes me feel when out and about.
You are doing so well. I have no doubt you will continue to move forwards.
Shwmae @mrfrederickson, I sat this Christmas out, away from the main festivities, in a room with plenty of mulled wine. I actually had a debilitating cold, so couldn’t do much other than cough and sneeze my way through the days. Stroke rebuilding can be a little like Groundhog Day, I find. And I guess the key with Groundhog Day, is to make everyday a little different from the last. Wishing you further improvements in 2023.
Hi Lorraine sorry to hear of your burden it is bad enough to be battling stroke recovery to have the fibromyalgia on top is a major challenge so my heart goes out to you and I will stop being a winger, an impatient winger
Your strength and that of my fellow stroke survivors is my balance and inspiration
I will add that my pain killer intake has increased to level’s only seen just after returning from hospital which makes me think I have gon backwards in my recovery, which apparently is a feature of stroke which is annoying
Evening Fredrickson we all have to learn strategies to keep focused not just for us but for families as well. My second Christmas post the stroking and coped better than last year which was commented on, didn’t realise how my mood last year impacted on folks enjoyment. learning to be more aware and tolerant. Wanted to sit it out this year but dug deep and kept cool, just! Came home with head full of porridge and went to bed early so a big improvement on last year. To set myself up to survive I did what I did after coming out of hospital, listed the the good things that remained not what had been lost. I know there will be difficult days when I struggle but I know they pass. Family suggested I make a list and tick of tasks however menial , they convinced me it would lift my spirits as endorphins are released
Mr F. Try not to dwell on your disability and, yes, things will improve. Just keep at it. Unfortunately, bad days are bad days and we all think the worst. The other day I fell on Brighton sea front. Kind people rushed to my aid, but I thought, oh f…k, what a state I’m in. Back home now and enjoying coffee with brandy. I hope things improve for you.
I am well known for falling over & that was before my stroke. My friends & colleagues all used to remind me every time I visited London not to fall over. You’ll find half my knee on the Euston Road I’ve fallen less since my stroke funnily enough. Probably because i’m significantly slower & can’t go far.
Thanks for your kind words, hope you have recovered from your fall on the sea front, it is good to know most people are good and kindly, we need that sort of support.
I am out at lunchtime for my birthday with the family, mood wise a lot better, praying the new year is a better one and recovery is more noticeable, take care all much appreciated is your support and encouragement
Hi. Christmas is probably the most depressing day of the year in my calendar. The weather and lack of daylight affects my mood, which has a knock-on effect on how my body copes with my ‘stroked’ muscles. I don’t have any family, so there is nothing to do except eat and watch TV on my own. Because of this, I usually take myself away for a few days over Christmas. There are always others who are in much the same boat as me. OK, I can’t walk about much, but it’s nice to be in the company of others and have a laugh.
After nearly 9 years post-stroke, I know I’ve improved a lot, but have to accept my running/dancing/right-handed days are probably over for good.
Just a sore bum. I try to be careful about balance, but you win some and lose some. My partner and I were on a coach trip to spend Christmas there. Apart from the fall we had a great time. I managed to walk to the Pavilion, go around it and walk back. Most of the party were of my age or older and many in worse shape. If you don’t try you might as well die.
Thanks everyone had a good time managed the walk in no mishaps ate well couldn’t manage sweet got home had a knapp now watching a few carry on films, happy times