We are all here to chat with, so don’t get disappointed and disheartened - keep concentrating on those things that you want to do and you will surprise yourself, no matter how tiny, these things will all add up and make life more positive for you. Keep your chin up! Take care, John
Well said Bert, it can be difficult at times I find some days I have to Psych myself up like a boxer climbing into ring give myself a good talking to. And I know it helps because as I rant something shifts and I can move on and get motivated
Useful technique I tend to get a bit potty mouthed
Hi this may sound unusual but I could cope with the wheel chair , the calliper and coping with very little use on my right side and all that comes with it but what I can’t deal with is my head that is constantly telling me what I used to do I try and fail constantly it’s now come a mental challenge of which is destroying me hopefully it will end soon . Sorry for the honesty but it’s real life we are talking here
I understand your words fully it’s the hardest part of stroke is not being able to do normal stuff anymore, still annoying even after 2 years
The thing that we can lose sight of is what we slowly are able to do more and more until hey presto you are back doings stuff again not like before different but similar. Hope that makes sense, we all hear your pain
Heart warming advice and good words
This forum has done wonders for my mental adjustment as the good people here have treated me with love understanding and compassion, made a real difference
Thanks Lorraine it’s good to know my words can help we are all in it together, helping others gives Mrs purpose too
I am afraid I am loosing my sanity it’s took over
I don’t want to die but I don’t want to live I am only still here because of my family but I am getting nearer that no return point as for help the NHS has proved itself incompetent in all areas it’s not if but when just can’t carryon watching my family worry I can see they are not coping mentally . I wish I could be as strong as others on this site joe
Hang in there Joe, the hole in your family’s life were you gone is immeasurable, as I learnt my presence and counsel is important, especially if you have children who you want to se launched in this world.
The nhs are not brilliant but the stroke association has made a difference. My wife gets supportive there and through the carers community. Never give up
you will return to a semblance of your old self if somewhat altered it just takes an age
Not everyone is as strong as you think we have all had dark days but the good word’s here will boost you, the stroke association is your life line they help with mental health and called me regularly.
Good luck reach out if you need us
Wise words we are all here for each other, determined people with goals survive the struggle to recover from stroke, I’m sure you are in that category, reaching out for support shows this, make a plan and keep plugging away at it until you get there.
Hi, Joe @Icecream - everyone else has given you sound advice and we all send you our best wishes. Your family are trying to make you strong again, and sometimes they are worrying not about you, but are worrying if they are doing enough for you, if that makes sense? What you’ve got to do is be positive, put a brave face on, tell them you love them and you’re going to think of something you will do in the New Year - a couple more steps, getting into the garden and sitting for a while etc. etc. That way, you see them (and you) start coping and stop worrying (a little less worrying, but a little is good, right?)
Take care, and have a positive New Year. John
@Icecream all the others have said everything I would have said. Please don’t think you’re alone. We’re all here to listen. By reaching out here you’ve taken a big step.
I agree that your family & friends would rather a slightly broken version of you being around than no version at all.
You’ve come through so much so have proved you can do it.
Sending many positive vibes your way Joe.
Take care.
Ann x
Thank you for the advice it means a lot knowing there’s others out there experiencing the same pain tga
hi there,
That feels tough, really tough. Have you someone that sees you differently? Sometimes changes come slowly and sometimes you are your worst enemy in your ‘self’. Don’t apologise for being ‘negative’ about the pain, you are acting courageously in writIng this about your ‘never ending pain and discomfort’- that is brave of you I feel, really brave!
Go on, and perhaps your brain will get up with you! Don’t waste your life about Christmas food or pudding!!!
On this forum I have heard so much positivity from people in more difficult situations than I that humbles me and puts me on a different path in my life you are real people not councillors who have not experienced the trauma this condition reaches thank you i would love to meet you all face to face so we can share the good times as well as the not so good love you all Joe from Buxton Derbyshire
Hey Lorraine I’m up for zoom or teams whenever they are scheduled, count me in if there’s room for one more.
Thank you everyone looking forward to anything Bobbi sets up
Happy New Year everyone
Heading towards my next stroke anniversary after a stellar year and a grea t start to 2024
Keep on pushing the boundaries and never give up
The life you have is what you make of it through determination and will power.
Love you all hopefully this year will break all records for recovery.