Advice required

I’m new to this forum but I’m wanting to seek some advice. My partner had a stroke 2 months ago. List the use of her left side and this remains the case today. It’s very tender and sore. She’s been aided to take a few steps but it’s slow progress. Each small step etc. my father also lost his leg on New Year’s Day due to a clot. My question is, i work full time and wondered if I were to reduce my hours to offer help to partner when she gets home and dad currently is there any help for me financially and are there any places I can contact for advice and support?
This year has been the hardest year ever but right now I just take it one day at a time


You wife is very probably entitled to financial support to help pay for her care, also various other items and services can be provided. It is important that you both contact someone to get more information. The Stroke Association, which provides this Forum will be able to point you in the right direction.
I am repeating what is in the previous post but I think the important thing is to get a claim in now.

The sooner you claim the sooner you will get a payment.

All the best.


Hi, sorry to hear of your partner’s stroke but welcome to this forum. I’m 6 years post stroke following a hemorrhagic stroke which paralysed my left side. My husband is my carer and he works part-time.

I receive P.I.P. and E.S.A. and my husband receives Carer’s Allowance. Your local Citizens Advice Bureau would be a good place to start and would be able to advise you further. The Stroke Association helpline would also be able to point you in the right direction.

Regards Sue


HI @Fledge

Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your partner.

Please have a looks at these if you feel up to it and there maybe some useful advice on these threads for you.

Just do take it one day at a time! At the moment I really try and prioritise tasks and don’t do too much at once

I’m 11 months in from a series of strokes in November 2022. And of course it’s still hard but we will try and help on this forum

I echo what @Bobbi has said:

Welcome - what we wish we'd heard at the start - Community - Stroke Association Online Community

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) - how and when to claim, rates, eligibility.

And here is a picture of a big strong polar bear just like you!!!

10 Surprising Facts About Polar Bears | Polar Bears International



Thank you for your reply. Any help right now is very much accepted


Thank you so much for your response. All the help I can find right now is a bonus. I will look into this. Everyone has been so welcoming


Thank you! This is most helpful. My partner is still in hospital after 8 weeks in and hopefully moving to rehabilitation centre soon. I will read up my options to get some help in place for her when she gets home.


Hi @Fledge and welcome to the forum, you must have a lot of spinning plate in your head just now between your partner, dad and work. And the other members above have provided you with a lot of useful links for you to look into for what you need.

IF you can afford it then do go part time if you can, purely for your own health because you don’t want to burn out yourself. You need to think of yourself too now. I know this can sound selfish, but where would they be without you. And I’m saying this as stroke survivor not a carer.

You are going to need some caring support too you know. But maybe work is your respite for the moment, taking your mind off your personal life for the time being. Time off for family and dependants: Your rights - GOV.UK. But do come back here with anything you need answers to and also look into your local support networks for both you, your partner and your dad.

Take care and wish you well :smile:


@Fledge Hi & welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear your partner has had a stroke.

As others have said seek help & advice from Citizens Advice as they can provide advice specific to your circumstances. It’s different for everyone depending on your financial situation. If your dad is over pension age then he could be entitled to attendance allowance.

Could you take some leave from work (paid or unpaid) to help when she comes home? You might also be able to get a fit note so you can have some time off too.

2 months is early in stroke recovery terms & your partner will hopefully start to progress more soon. It’s difficult in hospital as they have limited time & resources.

Best wishes to you all.

Ann x


I’m wondering if I can get help to pay for someone to come round and do some basic cleaning and dusting. I had a stroke and have struggled a lot. I’m of pension age but am getting very little each week and I’m finding the cost of living and energy bills are trebling if not more. I’m living alone and have got to start paying an interest only mortgage. I live without heating now.


It may be worth you talking to Citizen’s Advice @Rosamund they’ll be able to advise you about the help you may be able to get. Little things like heing able to claim pension credit (even just a few pence of it) can open up a whole load of other help e g. With council tax.

Or try your council benefits advisers / welfare teams or if there is one in your area an Independent Living Centre.

Beat wishes




In your situation I believe there is financial help to pay for such as this. I can’t give you advice as my knowledge is limited but you could start by talking to someone from the Stroke Association. (link below) You will need to contact them on a weekday during office hours.


It’s very kind of you to reply. Thanks a lot.


Thank you so much. Very much appreciated.



Best wishes. I hope you get some help soon.


Thank you very much.