Worried it may happen again!

I had a TIA “out of the blue” in October, and with all tests etc coming out as clear, the probable cause was put down as stress. (I had lost my husband of forty years three months earlier). I’m taking all the usual medications, and am taking care of myself, including cutting down my work hours, so doing everything I can to avoid a repeat. However, at work today I found myself becoming a bit worked up, and now I’m home, I’m panicking about this leading to another TIA (the first happened a day after a rough day at work!) my sensible head says it’s unlikely, but my sitting here with only the cat to discuss it with isn’t helping :rofl: please reassure me that getting a bit stresssed / annoyed isn’t necessarily going to lead to another TIA!!


@Ann1 …So sorry Ann, Yes stress is a problem, but keep taking your meds, keeping calm with meditation or prayer, and don’t forget to get out and walk in nature if you can. Exercise is so important.
All the best, Derek


Hi @Ann1

I was out with my wife today When I said to her oh ‘excrement’ just had a spacey moment again. They come on like a light switch. What I felt the day I went into a&e and spent a month in hospital.

I’m 3 years post but I can’t get past the sentiments that you posted about - it is unlikely. I have spacey moments more than once a week they were bad before Christmas and not so bad most of this month.

It doesn’t really help me much though I have a good understanding of the psychology of risk that it means awareness generates sensitivity to circumstances that might be relevant. That post stroke hypersensitivity is common, that my meds are probably supporting me.

I never had a reason described for me either.

I guess I’m saying you’re observation that the intellectual head knows the risk remains and the likelihood is low and your emotional self says is this another oh excrement moment?

A commonly suggested resolution is to focus on anti-anxiety techniques. Even possibly anti-anxiety medication.

You’re not alone in your concerns and most of us who have the concerns do not see them realised I haven’t although that is not reliable for anyone individual only as a probability in a population of a statistically significant number

I think that’s comforting for me at least but I realise it may not be comforting for you



Hi Ann, it is very natural to worry especially when you find yourself in a similar situation again. I guess the one difference this time though is you should now be on the right meds to lower the risk of it happening again.

The sensible side of us knows that every bit of stress isn’t going to lead to a TIA but you do have a heightened sense of it once you’ve had one.

Try not to worry. Relax tonight & take it easy & hopefully all will be ok tomorrow.

Sorry for the loss of your husband.

Hope the cat didn’t look at you too quizically :grin: x


Thank you both. @Outlander @SimonInEdinburgh
I think I may research some simple calming techniques to try and lower my anxiety when this happens again, as I’m sure it will.


Thank you, @Mrs5K .
I’m going to try and put it out of my head with my usual go to relaxing hobby (crochet)
Knowing other people have “been there, done that” certainly helps.


You might want to take a look at ‘Tapping’ (Youtube is your friend for this) You tap on various acupuncture points on your body which switches off your stress receptors. It’s super easy to do and can be used for all sorts of issues, insomnia, stress, over eating etc etc. It’s a bit ‘tree huggy’ but does seem to work.


Thank you! I’ll have a look!


Oh Ann, I know how you feel! Every time I feel stressed or anxious I worry it’s going to happen again! I’m anxious as I’m going back to work in a school which is rarely calm!!
I hope you find something that helps you and I’m so sorry for your loss. :sparkling_heart: xx


Hi Simon - I too am 3 years post stroke & live with the daily will it/won’t it happen again syndrome.
Have made life changes - cut back on coffee & alcohol, work from home when I can, manage my health on a fitbit & most importantly now recognise my triggers for stress so can take myself out of situations. I no longer try to control every situation, I’m now happy to let things just be.
Stay healthy :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m trying to imagine it…
Can you describe the spaciness feeling you get, Simon?
thx, Roland


Great idea, I used to do this, and have good memories…
Tapping and chanting, and a bit of Qigong…

ciao, Roland


No not really!

I can give you other words: not quite dizzy, definitely not the balance & spinning of vertigo, slightly tipsy?, stoned?, hazy, slightly out of body?, dulled reality, moving toward feint.

It’s a feeling in my head and perhaps my chest but not my stomach or legs

I can say I had them for some years and then when I had MRI I was told I’d had multiple previous strokes

That unfortunately is the best I can do at putting up vocabulary to feeling



Hi Ann, it’s quite reasonable to think you would have another TIA. I had a stroke out of nowhere 2 years ago and did not think it would happen again but after going back to work on reduced hours a month later it happens for the 2nd time. Now I do worry for the 3rd. Not to worry you or anything but just to say what your feeling is normal. Take things easy, do what’s best for you to reduce stress. Yesterday I gave in and told my employer that I was going to stop being a first aider at work. I had to walk up 2 double flights of stairs and just thought I can’t do this anymore. Take things slow.

Take care


Thank you @michelle.active ; it’s helpful to know it’s not just me worrying, if that makes sense. I’m just trying to do my best to stay calm and healthy x best of luck to you too


@Ann1 i can really sympathise. I had a TIA in December “out of the blue”. I also worry about another one. Especially if it came with different symptoms that I might not necessarily recognise as a TIA.

However I have realised that worrying is probably increasing my stress, so now I journal about my worries in order to get them out of my head, then I journal about improving my physical and mental health. It helps me to be more objective and I have begun to prioritise rest and recovery which will in turn be more likely to reduce my future risk.

Good luck with everything xx


Thank you, @MERR . I’m glad you have found something which helps you to deal with your anxiety. I am trying out the ideas that people have kindly shared and am grateful for yours. I think being able to share my concerns here, with people who know exactly how I feel, certainly helps. X


I was seen in the rapid stroke clinic last Wednesday and was not given any firm instructions about spacey moments when left, i have had three spacey moments since and have no idea if they were TIA Episodes or not none lasting more than 20-30 seconds from your experience should i be dialling 911 each time it happens? it may be my brain trying to electrically link up again doctor said it may happen



I’ve not experienced anything like that, perhaps you can help, @SimonInEdinburgh ?

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Hi @Ann1 Are you asking me about @wattsy 's Spacey feelings?

Wattsy I get a phenomenon that I call Spacey moments too. Mine come on like somebody flipped a switch but they last half a day or maybe a few hours or an hour. Initially these feelings sent me to accident and emergency (a&e) - now they just caused me to add a 75mg aspirin to my morning meds.

I don’t need 13 hours in a corridor w/15 minutes in five blocks of three during that time to tell me “don’t know and here’s a packet…”

I’m not giving you is medical advice. You should get checked out but you might come to the same conclusion If you receive similar advice the first few times

I think it’s wholly unsatisfactory that I don’t have a cause, and I worry that it might be a ticking time bomb because I am convinced the medical profession spend most of their time clearing up their disasters rather than heeding warning signs

(Thanks for tagging me Ann)