Working at recovery

I’ve been lurking for quite a while before joining this forum which is blissfully free of promotion of quack cures.
I’m an 53 yo expat living in Canada had a severe right side heamorrhagic stroke at work at the end of November and got home five months later. 1 month spent stabilizing in hospital then rehab.
Eyesight is variable with left side ataxia and weakness . I can walk with a cane and am doing so in shorty burst short intervals throughout the day. Working hard on balance and trying to get thte hand and arm moving, so far I have some shoulder movement and can grasp ( working with seabo flex device. My main issue is walking on even surfaces as I have significant spasm /clonus of the calf. I’m having round 2 of Botox in the leg next week as it definitely helped the first time. Physio provided by the local health district has finished so am working through this blindly but deeming small but slow improvement. I hope I can share any insights I have and gain some valuable advice and info from your posts


Hello & welcome

If you’ve been lurking for some time I guess you know about the welcome post, the search mechanism, who talks about clonus remedies etc., various threads about upper limb recovery etc

Nice to ‘meet’ you. Where in Canada are you?



Hi Rob,

I understand what you are going through (59yo l side hemorrhagic stroke., 22 months ago). I also have significant walking problems, spasms but clonus is mostly over. I have little very little feeling on my affected side. This is just to let you know where i stand compared to you.

My biggest and most helpful resource online is which is free. It takes a lot of patience to follow, but there are deep secrets buried within. I am 65% through the course and have to say it has inspired me no end. A casual glance will reveal nothing. I, am thorough and will look up every term and medical expression which I am unsure of.

I have stayed away from Botox, but I accept I am a little unusual in my choices. I work on my rehab for most of the day, but I also study Qigong and meditation. I am learning many things through necessity and the drive to overcome seemingly unsurmountable problems.

If you have specific questions or things you would like to talk about, please don’t hesitate to ask. I wish you every success in your recovery. Keep working !

ciao, Roland


I’m on the prairies Simon,
I did however live in Edinburgh while I did grad studies


Hi & welcome @Robberry sorry to hear of your stroke but hope you find this forum useful.

You’ll probably know by now that recovery can take a long time & will often be slower than we’d like but it sounds like you are progressing & keen to work hard to improve more.

A lot of people in the UK find that botox helps. The biggest problem they have is getting it frequently enough to make a real difference. That’s the state of the NHS at the moment.

Be great to hear more about how you’re getting on.

Best wishes


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Ooooh :slight_smile:

I’m near sheriff hall roundabout. Is the Canadian prairies Saskatoon or Calgary or … etc

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Jlived in merchiston and also near meadow bank
Currently in manitoba