Winning at life today

3 week’s after my stroke - Today I’m winning at life. I made myself a coffee and made my own breakfast. I’m still here, I’m still smiling. My brain and my body may be broken but it will not beat me. I have good days and the bads days, I get angry and cry and question “why me”. But life always throws a curve ball and tests us to our limits. I’m still me but just a bit slower a bit slurred and a bit sleepy. But each day is getting better (I hope)




keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

good times or bad we are always here’


That’s great :slight_smile:

Important to record the wins: spurs you on, inspires others AND a record when the not so winning backwards steps happen that serves as a reminder that you are making progress in the long term

Onwards & upwards



“And So Say All of us” :clap: :clap: :clap:

Onwards and upwards :+1:

Regards Sue


Good on you @emmahopkins74 and I’m loving the positivity :clap::clap::clap:



:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: Keep on winning, never give up :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


@emmahopkins74 so pleased to hear this. It’s great to read such a positive post.

Hope you enjoyed your cuppa & breakie xx


All of what you have mentioned is very familiar to me. It has been 2.5 years since my strokes. I can tell you I am much better now, although not back to work. My family, friends and pets are to be commended for their help, but our attitudes are probably the best help of all.

Relearn how to do what you want to do in whatever way you want to do it. I am still mad ; ) they were so concerned with teaching me to dress, fold laundry, do dishes, when what I really wanted to learn was how to get in and out of a bathtub, fix a cup of coffee, and turn off the silly TV they kept leaving on for me!

I taught myself to slide in and out of the bathtub until I could step in and out, right after I taught myself how to get coffee for myself. So far, the hardest thing I have taught myself is how to withstand being on the computer again. Now I am working on executive functions, to remember to do the things I did by rote in the past.

Do not forget to rest, and to have fun doing something you enjoy. Being productive and overcoming obstacles is great, but taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally is every bit as important as physically.


Love that post @DeAnn
Actually full of wisdom :slight_smile:


Well done on the win!

I’m almost 10 weeks and can sort myself though a lot slower and slur more to (curse you dysarthria!)


Well done , upwards and onwards :+1::+1:


My own experience of a stroke 13 years ago mirrors
your own and it took me 2 years to get to the frame of mind that you have reached already.
Life will get better and you will slowly be able to do more.
There will be good days and tired days so go with the flow and rest when you are tired.
Push the boundaries when you feel that you have energy.
Keep fit by exercising.
Exercise your mind with things like crossword puzzles.
Good luck on your journey.