What to do!

Keep ranting, its only saying what you really feel and it is good to get it out there. While I was in hospital a story went about that any real progress occurs in the first four months. After that improvement is supposed to tail off.
Well that is a load of rubbish.
Unfortunately I believed it and after six months at home, bed and chair bound with no sign of improvement I was sure I was going to be a basket case for the rest of my life. The only thing that happened was a long period of resting which I think maybe I needed as part of my recovery. The other thing that happened was I did a lot of thinking and became very depressed as I was under the impression there was no hope for me.
One day my wife came down to me and positioned my wheelchair close to the bed so I could transfer into it. She sat in the chair a few minutes while we talked.
Suddenly I thought , ‘Sod this for a game of soldiers’
and I said to her ‘Watch this!’
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, stood up and walked a couple of steps to my commode, parked nearby, picked up my dressing gown which was draped over it and managed to put it on then turned back to the bed where I sat down.
I had walked. Never mind men on the moon I had walked on planet Earth. My Mrs had a lovely smile on her face and I just wanted to cry.
Then of course I fell over a few times, sometimes it really hurt but the walking, with some help continued. After twelve months I now do a regular wobbly walk around the house. I’ve very recently been able to get upstairs.
Last night I managed to get my fist to clench which means I’ll be able to grab hold of things. I am still disabled but have made a little progress and I have faith that there is more to come.

So yah boo to those who said there wouldn’t be much improvement after four months. I ain’t finished yet.

. . . and to you @Caye , be kind to yourself as I say and you will be happily surprised.

There are lots of kind listening ears here who will encourage and support you, so speak up. No need to apologise, we are in this together.

Keep on keepin’ on
:smiley: :+1: