What is the opposite of a cone and other questions

My housemate JP said to me yesterday and said I cant get this wrap I’m making to not be coned. I tried and got it straight and he said:

“thanks that is the opposite of a cone”

So my stroke brain went immediately into stroke mode:

what is the opposite of a cone?

Surely that’s a cone just the other way up?

Straight is certainly not the oppostie of a cone…

And so on

I still can’t work out what the opposite of a cone is!


Happy Sunday evening all

:polar_bear: :wink:

A confusing statistic… | What gif, Bear, Polar bear

PS google is cheating - I refuse to type what is the opposite of a cone into the google!!!



You need a wrap dispenser, if you have some cash to spend it is really good. Relatively expensive to start with but much cheaper than supermarket over time.

No more wasted wrap.

As for cones, would this help?

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:


It was a chicken and salad tortilla wrap :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tortilla Breakfast Wrap Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network

Thats how our brains work clearly ha ha ha!!! Love it.

As in just make me think more about cones yes!!! I will get there in the end and will KOKO

but a very good film option for this evening if I can find it on some streaming…

sorry if JP can find it streaming on our whatever we have… basically everything JP says and I do love our Lonfon fibre optic broadband thing at 500mph :wink: I’m told

:polar_bear: :wink:

Stay cool @Bobbi

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The Bacofoil ones do the exact same thing, cheaper, more slim lined and take up less storage space :smile:



The refill rolls hold 300m not 10m. That is the equivalent of 30 bacofoil rolls. They are much cheaper to run and dispense with no waste whatsoever . Unfortunately the Bacofoil offering does lock up and works out very expensive…

A 300m roll costs just over £8 so 10m costs about 30p a bit less than the bacofoil offering. And the machine dispenses quickly without waste.

I got us one and have fallen in love with it. I’m not talking rubbish, but ignore me, I’m only trying to pass along a good tip.

Of course they don’t dispense tortilla wraps, which is a distinct drawback.


I don’t use either very much anyway, the rolls of each that I’ve got have lasted me years :rofl:

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I wonder if you can get a tortilla wrap dispenser?! :thinking:

But then @Bobbi probably makes his own :two_hearts:

:polar_bear: :wink:


@EmeraldEyes and it’s refillable. The dispenser lasts for years. Just replace the tube when empty with a cling film refill. They do a tinfoil one as well but they don’t sell refills for that. However any tinfoil of the same width fits the dispenser. Wouldn’t be without mine.


Yes, I do have one for each and get replacement rolls cheap enough on the likes of Amazon. If I was into catering in some way I might have reason to invest in the other one, but for my needs, the hard plastic Becofoil ones will suffice :wink:


I just HATE cones…RUFF RUFF

Dog Cone


. . . but I love home made soup.

I’m sure not everyone will like it, but they could just look the other way and move on I suppose. That always works for me.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grin: :+1:

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Well @Bobbi I can’t like that because I an not to be trusted and I can in 2 hours and I will probably forget but I love a homemade soup and that looks good :yum: :yum:

Like the bowls too and I notivced them!! yay for me !!

:polar_bear: :wink:

el oso polar, la sopa de pollo y amigos – polarbearfriendsandchickensoup


That soup is extra special, it is curry flavoured. When I’m making a curry sauce I end up with a residue of onion, carrot and so on. I add a can of chopped tomatoes, a pint of chicken stock, and blend it all down. It costs a few pence. It is all good stuff and will feed us for two evenings with a slice of home made bread with cheese.

. . . and no worries about the like, you are just too generous and no doubt all heart.

Bon appetit

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grin: :+1:


:polar_bear: :wink:

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