Welcome to the Online Community

However long you’ve been living with stroke, our online community is here to support you day and night. You can talk about things that are important to you, share your tips, ask questions and learn how other people are managing their recoveries. Join a community of thousands affected by stroke.

You can read the posts on this forum but you must log in or sign up for an account to reply or create a new topic or discussion.

Please familiarise yourself with the community rules and if you have problems using this site, please visit our web portal and service desk.

Thanks again and welcome!


I joined this Forum quite few months after I left hospital. I have found it a good place to be when the whole experience was confusing, frightening and depressing. I’m pretty much through all that but there are still challenges. This can feel to be a very lonely world but there is company, a listening ear, friendship, encouragement and so much more to be had on this Forum. It is an important part of my life now.

I am not alone, together we are finding our way.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:


3 posts were split to a new topic: Emotional support - caring for someone else

Hi Bobbi!

You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, but I am just curious to know what your main issues are now.

You’ve seemed to come a long way. I am happy for you. I hope more improvement come your way.

Take good care.


Thanks Matthew,
I’ve had a stroke, as you know. I’m pretty much who I was before and after it all. The only difference is that I lost the use of my right side, my dominant side.
I will write more later but I have a date with my wife in front of the television.

If you check out the blog area of the site you’ll find a couple of pieces I wrote that give a little of my background, this week there should be another published there.

Cya later

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:


Hi Bobbi just to let you know my replies to you havnt seemed to got through. It says to check your router. Hope you get this msg luv Suzywong

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Hi my name is Peter im new, it would a take a long while to try and put down the things that have changed my life but my wife says im nearly back .


Hi @Rosebay202
Welcome to the community.

You will find it full of knowledgeable and empathetic people who are happy to share their experiences

I’m glad to hear you’re reported progress of “nearly back” :slight_smile: & driving again - with the steering wheel if not with your woods :slight_smile:

I used to live in Essex (Chelmsford then Colchester) but am in a different country these days :slight_smile: !

Enjoy your visits here

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Thanks Simon , i ve played in Scotland a few times i bet its cold there now, I’ve been to thegym today try different exercises trying to wake up lower leg and get some muscle back .


Hi @Rosebay202 I just popped in to welcome you to the forum and hope to see you around :smile:
I love the gym as there are so many ways and variations to challenge and wake up those dormant muscles. I had a lot of muscle atrophy after my stroke, 3yrs ago now, but I looking a lot less like someone out of a prisoner of war camp these :sweat_smile:

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I know what you mean about how you look ,in my heyday i ran lots of marathons and triathlons to be fair the consultant said it stood me in a good position to try and get fitter.


I was more an outdoor person, cycling, swimming, that sort of thing. But I’m finding the gym is a safer option for me as balance is still slightly off. I’ve already had one hip replacement and broken ankle in the past, so I like to ere on the side of caution now since the stroke :smile:


Hello Peter and welcome. I hope find the many topics in this forum helpful.

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Good afternnon to you all, i had my stroke jan 2020. I have become a help for you volunteer with the stroke association which i and the people i speak to that have also had a stroke find it very helpful sharing and speaking to someone that has also had a stroke.


Hi @kdixonfamily1

Welcome to the forum

a few of us are Here For You volunteers too (and various other things)

Pull up a chair, read the posts of others, pitch in etc



If you just tapped on

"Welcome to the online community”

…and landed here you might either like to go to the top of the StrokeAssoc.'s intended message (by clicking here or scrolling up) and or you might like to read one that was written by a bunch of us stroke survivors - linked below

I’ll summarise the below as "We have all been where you are now :frowning: We are now in a better place and making efforts at Post-Stroke Life and this is how… You will benefit from help :slight_smile: Say hi and ask us - we will do our best and our best is good :slight_smile: or just search :mag_right: and read :cowboy_hat_face:)


Emerald & I discussed making this (duplicate) the end of the thread ‘for technical resons’)

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