Weekend workouts

Just completed my weekly kettle weight workout with my 8kg and 10kg weights

Heart is beating faster and I feel fantastic

Glutes ache

My routine is 10 seated right hand shoulder pulls with the 19kg followed by 25 chest to full arm extension with the 4kg and 10 of the same with the 10kg

Then performed 70x 10kg

I might add that before the stroke I was doing the Same thing wi 16&20kg weights so my body is able to take on the lighter weights easier than a beginner

So start low weights and build up slowly
No lifting the big ones or something will tear.


I’m well into the fitness thing, too.
Each morning after waking, I get straight to it… 1 - 2 - 3.
And then I do the other eyelid.


That is something I will add to my routine
It will help my numb poor left eye lid that doesn’t help my left side peripheral vision


@mrfrederickson Good for you,a good workout. You could probably beat me at an arm wrestle.
I had to look up how much you were using. Not familiar with the 'KG".
I’ll stick to my good old pounds, tons, inches, feet, yards and the like. Not into the European system. :grin:


I tend to lift in grams, these days.


@BobQ1 I used to lift me Gram, but she’s put on some weight lately.


Ahhhh, yeeess… Ancient relatives tend to do that.

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Fare point outlander the weights only come in metric so even I would have to convert them into lbs and oz’si tend to imagine them as bags of sugar for visualisation purposes

In reality the 4kg is easy the 19 was my starting point pre stroke and the 16kg was my workout weight before I was struck down. The kettlebell workouts are endurance weight training and turned me into an awesome machine before my stroke and has put many positive aspects to my recovery according to my doctor and physio.

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I’m impressed @mrfrederickson you’re doing well. I’m tired just reading about it :grin:

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no quiz today dont know why got eamail no one there

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I didn’t try & join today as was at work but I thought there was no quiz today so was surprised to receive email. I don’t think there is one next fri either.

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:grinning: :smiley: :smile:


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