
Watching weather forecast on tv saying how mild it is down south, bloody freezing this morning and getting colder at weekend heating on and hot chocolate before bed, and us on pensions getting a rise next year.


I tell you now this global warming thing has been going on for a long long, very very long time.

It might have started from back in the ice age before humans were doing anything very much at all.

I think it was those huge hairy mammoths started it all continuously farting out of their huge hairy bottoms. It was bound to melt something.

Another interesting bit of geological data from way, way back, before the ice age even, suggests that there were tropical seas where things are relatively cool right now.

The truly long term forecast indicates that if the cycles continue there is a tropical period on the horizon, to be followed by more snow and ice.

I’m sure that as long as there is something around fit to fart then ice ages will melt, I don’t know about tropical ages, no doubt something or somebody will be to blame though.


Yes, I have just seen the forecast for the next few days. Turning colder on Friday and the weather map is showing some minus figures for early Saturday morning.
My plan:

  1. Get the 13.5 tog duvet ready
  2. Get the thick socks out
  3. Check the gas meter is topped up
  4. Keep my cap on

Hug a hairy mammoth?


Are you gonna rent yourself out @Bobbi ? hairy mammoth? :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink: :woman_beard: :woman_beard: :woman_beard:


I’m sure someone out there shouted

“Get a room!”

:hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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Oh poo I was just reading that @Strings and you took it off


@HHilary sorry, I didn’t intend to, I’m on my phone and I must have touched the wrong edit button, I only intended to correct the grammar


@Strings if you click on the pencil do you get the option to revert to revision? If so you should be able to put the post back. If you can’t do it it looks like i can if you want me to?


@Mrs5K I can’t even find the post, I tried to edit it on my phone and I must have touched the wrong symbol as it just vanished without any ok confirmation, which I thought was odd, but I grew up in a world of pens and paper and tend to struggle with much of this stuff, especially since my stroke.


@Strings I have reinstated the post for you. Hopefully you can now see it & will be able to edit it.


Yes there it is in all its glory. I will hasten to tell Hilary.
I enjoyed your post too @Strings
So thank you.


I’ve taken the liberty of doing a quote in case you or someone else ‘edits’ it again.
If in the confusion I’ve done something wrong I’m sure it can somehow be corrected.

I hasten to add that doing something wrong is something that I have become quite adept at. I do try to be good though, honest. Thank you for your patience.

By the way,
I like the Stroke Association’s new motto:

Thriving, not just surviving


@Mrs5K , thank you, now I can see it but I shan’t try to edit it, I think I’d best leave it alone now.


@BobbiTo use an oft repeated phrase the Stroke Association poet is doing very well, but I much prefer your motto.


It is nicely warm here this Autumn. If the water rises too high there, you all are welcome here. I am not close enough to worry although we don’t have mountains here. And if you get cold, there are many boys around here who enjoy fart jokes and farting…no polititians though. (suddenly can’t remember how to spell).


My spasticity tells me it is getting colder here in New Jersey. Stiffer, pains, Slow moving. My body and brain don’t like it.
I ordered a heated vest for walking from Amazon. Battery powered.


This is global warming today 24th Nov 2023 but only if you are in the right place. Us in the UK don’t look like we are. No mammoths farting here…


Today is woolly pulley weather for sure…or should that be woolly mammoth…:grin:



I think that picture Hilary put up is the pattern for a winter pullover. If she is making it for me I won’t get lost, you’ll see me coming over the horizon in all my joyful colourfulness.

13°C today, sort of quite cool. Global warming is perhaps only for the righteous.

I tried out a sleeping bag under my duvet, there are always ways to stay toasty, for an afternoon siesta.

Keep on keepin’ on
:snowflake: :snowman: :+1: